Piracy it is then…
Biden justifies Israels attacks
Ishrel, Isreal. Has the right. Isreal. To. The right to defend itself. And we will stand shoulder to shoulder as Americans because what happened that day. Because American values are what we believe in. Americans.
How about your school grades from last week?
Oooo you bastard 😂
This is a meme community and funny to the children that post here.
I used to use SwiftKey back in the day but haven’t in years. Using gboard has become a real pain. 🙁
Piracy it is then.
Not everything on the internet is meant to be taken seriously 🙄.
Honestly not sure what’s wrong with water.
Unless you live in Flint?
What would be your “back pocket wish”?
That nobody is guilt tripped into making wishes on their birthday to satisfy social norms.
Check mate atheists.
Freedom of goods, freedom of services, freedom of capital, freedom of movement, and freedom of reading all of your private messages (excluding EU officials, naturally).
They could slash that in half and it would still be too expensive. What a collosal waste of money. Absolutely brain dead pricing for fans.
They don’t work for everyone. I know quite a few friends that have just eaten cold turkey and quit.
I think the problem is mostly in the naming. It’s less of an equaliser in the maths sense but more of a wibbly-wobbly-thinger.
Sir, this is the internet. There is no room for this kind of thinking. I’ll kindly ask you to pick up your pitchfork and join the back on the line.
It’s about Disclosure not Admittance. That would be a NAA.
When asked your say: NAA…
Whichever way you vote, this will continue to happen. Sobering thought, eh?