Birthright citizenship basically only exists in North/South America. So the way this is worded it’s mostly wrong
Birthright citizenship basically only exists in North/South America. So the way this is worded it’s mostly wrong
Good to know, I’ve only read/seen LotR and The Hobbit, so I don’t know some of the deeper lore
Is there any evidence the Lord of the Rings world is round? The world was canonically created with magic, so it doesn’t need to follow our version of physics
As an mtg player these parodies are referenced enough that I think of them instead of the originals:
I’m a Scrum Master working in Financial Technology. I made $145k last year although that was because I worked a ton of overtime. My base is closer to $130k. Although I do have to provide all my own benefits
A pre-built tower with a disk drive and windows 7. I think you better call the Loch Ness Monster cuz you’re only getting about three fitty for that
More accurately the waterfall mission ends up on Phobos only to have to scramble to figure out how to land on Titan because the customer can’t tell the difference between moons
How would you federate something ephemeral? I’ll admit I don’t understand the specific techinals of federation but what stops another platform from hosting your content locally after it has supposed to have been deleted? It seems like the two goals of the platforms are diametrically opposed
Or maybe we don’t have to antagonize people who are trying to enjoy themselves?
A firearm, easily. I’ve fired both and bows require much more strength even if it’s a compound bow. On top of that aiming an arrow is much less intuitive than using even iron sights on a gun. Not to mention you can get rounds off much faster on a bolt action gun than a bow. Additionally I think you’re probably more likely to hurt yourself with a bow by smacking your arm than with a gun, assuming you get basic training for both
The most unique mechanic I can think of is the adrenaline system which makes you stronger as you kill more enemies without getting hit. However a bullet hell or a rogue-like that rewards you for not getting hit doesn’t feel nearly as innovative as both the bonfire system and the Souls games freedom of build options in my opinion
Returnal-likes? Returnal is just a rogue-like bullet hell game. It’s a good game, don’t get me wrong, but to say it’s going to create an entirely new genre is a stretch considering it’s not even really anything new
JonTron got too big for his britches, fucked off of GameGrumps and then on a podcast popped off the “50% of crimes are committed by 13% of the population” horseshit and then kept doubling down on it, now he makes just garbage tier reaction videos like once every 6 months
Similarly RubberRoss’ cosplayer wife cheated on him with ProJared in what may have been the most pathetic public cuckoldry since Hogan famously belched “I can’t fuck brother! I ate too much sushi” so Holly and Jared both fell apart after that
I don’t know if he counts as a YouTuber because he got canceled on twitch and moved to YouTube but Dr Disrespect live streamed himself at TwitchCon including going into the public restroom where there were minors present. Which is a bad look but could maybe be seen as an accident if it didn’t also come out that he was actively cheating on his wife, whom he had a child with, with women he was meeting with from Twitch. It was all a bit too much and his platform collapsed while he also started firing off lawsuits in multiple directions
There’s a lot of good arguments out there. Pong for being the “first”, Pac-Man for making arcades insane and bringing in big money, Tetris for its wide appeal, Mario 64 for convincing everyone 3d games work, Doom for popularizing the fps, Wii Sports for its ubiquity, Farmville for starting what would become mobile games (which as much as gamers hate to admit, they make more money than every other platform combined). It’d take a pretty convincing argument for me to fully believe any of them but of mine I’d make an argument for Pac-Man, but my heart wants it to be Tetris
Great decision right as we head into hurricane season. At least we haven’t been setting records for the number and intensity of hurricanes, or this would be extra stupid
You’d be surprised at how stupid people can be. Obviously we’re all dancing around one case and I assure the members of that jury will be pestered about it for a long time after
I will also warn that you are likely committing perjury when they ask at the jury if they have an inability or refusal to follow the instructions or the law of the judge. Now this is difficult to prove, but it’s not something risk free
Have you seen young men without good role models in their life? I have, they break things and hurt people. There are exceptions to every rule obviously, but especially in the growing toxic male culture that we have right now young men are in precarious positions. I’m a huge fucking nerd, I built my own computer in high school and was captain of the quiz bowl team. It’s still important to find positive and healthy outlets for the energy young men have. This poster specifically pointed out that they do have toxic male influences in their life already. Keeping active is never bad advice and while I may have been over emphasizing some things, it’s important to address behavior now before he starts driving, working, going out on his own, etcetera etcetera
Unfortunately, yeah. The more you let people walk over you the more comfortable they get doing it. Being blunt is a good way to stop that kind of behavior, when someone is rude asking direct questions like “why are you saying that about them?” makes people uncomfortable and will get them to stop dragging you into drama. Especially in today’s American climate people feel emboldened to attack people they see as “weak” so you need to not appear “weak” and (this is the much more difficult part) stand up for everyone else who the bullies are targeting
I would say meditation could be helpful. Being present in the moment instead of looking forward prevents that creeping dread. Likewise planning things you want to do like hanging out with friends, going to shows/movies, and group activities will probably have you focused on those on those instead of starting your week