Most of these people would be okay with harvesting a dead person’s organs so long as they aren’t theirs.
Most of these people would be okay with harvesting a dead person’s organs so long as they aren’t theirs.
He can’t even get the order right. The phrase is “[thing] and also water is wet.”
This is the family farm. I AM THE OSHA
Video for context
To be fair, this works with humans, too.
When I got out of the military, my outprocessing included a briefing about how to get interviews with federal organizations. One thing they taught us was that you can copy the job description, paste it into your resume, and set the font to white. The automated systems at USA Jobs would register a match to the job description and rate you as a better candidate and the human screeners were so overworked that they would just go with what the computer says without checking.
Wow. I thought they were just dumb. That makes it worse, I think.
This isn’t already the case?
I love this detail. It’s one of my favorite go-tos for the OT.
Man. I just now noticed that this is clearly a chopped up quote. That’s not even one sentence.
Thank you. People seem to love pretending like reality is a team sport, which is stupid. I also find it infuriating that I can’t just find the raw videos instead of the first 800 results being edited and talked over commentaries from people trying to make a buck.
This reads just like an AI response
If you think this is bad, you should hear the whole clip.
If things don’t go well, I’m probably not going to mind
That’s your response? Claiming that I think he’s going to pay me?
Cows and humans are not the same animal and it’s incredibly stupid to think they are.
The cows. None of this is weird.
Oh look; more FUD.
Raspberry pi Pebble when?