Obwohl er ein Agitator ist, hoffe ich doch sehr dass der Post eher wie Wein als wie Milch altert. Scheiß timeline.
Obwohl er ein Agitator ist, hoffe ich doch sehr dass der Post eher wie Wein als wie Milch altert. Scheiß timeline.
A few I can laugh about (just started to make a profit), but most of them just make me uncomfortable.
Have you read his bio? He is THE prototype trans-atlantic hawk, and still he looks like he is turning away from the US right now.
On the other hand, he is not elected Chancellor yet, so we won’t know for sure until then. Triggering a vote of no confidence would be REALLY dangerous right now, lest the far right gain even more votes. So he kind of has this leverage against his future coalition partner.
Wow, watch him winning so hard, there will be nothing left.
Now you’ve done it! You made me laugh uncontrollably! Pfff.
Is this mutation actually useful or an impediment?
Phillips. Pozis have a narrow cross indented at 45 degrees to the main notch.
It’s an image translated by an AI and used for internet points. Zoom in to the text to see why.
Journalists do and can pick sides. If you only ever report the opinion of the ruling party you’re a spokesperson and no journalist.
The “sides” may be political, moral or ideological. You’re still a journalist.
If this were not the case, Fox News world have been shuttered long ago.
I ain’t no god.
I object to this depiction of backend de… muahahaha.