It’s hilarious that the republicans sell themselves on the economy when they constantly trash the economy…
It’s hilarious that the republicans sell themselves on the economy when they constantly trash the economy…
They are going after the people who don’t have armies of lawyers to slow the process down…easy pickings
Does water fox allow extensions?
He had that two weeks plan though… That was in 2016…any day now
Much easier to get a dictatorship going if people are scared for their lives
Well let’s check our notes, while president withheld weapons from Ukraine that they were asking for as defense, made a deal with Taliban releasing all the fighters the US had captured, ordered the total and complete withdrawal from Syria to Russian troops, stacked the courts with dubious judges, gave tax cuts to rich people and impacted the middle class the worst, went into an insane trade war with china and Europe causing impacts in several transforming industries…and that’s just from the top of my head
He was angling for the Nobel peace prize in Ukraine but I guess he figured out it was too hard