I’ve tried all of those suggestions, they worked but also didn’t. Now my sleep schedule is so borked.
I’ve tried all of those suggestions, they worked but also didn’t. Now my sleep schedule is so borked.
I can’t know how to hear any more about tables.
You could say it was their Vietnam.
Do they pay more in rent than your mortgage payment? Because that would mean that they absolutely could afford it.
Cite your sources.
The name TARDIS is literally the solution, “Time And Relative Dimension In Space”.
I fully support this kind of stuff. I ran movie theaters for 20 years. The switch from 35 to digital was welcome for a multitude of reasons. I really didn’t miss having brain wraps or a platter throwing the print all over the floor or having to replace trailers on the platter. Digital really is more convenient AND a better way to ensure a quality presentation. But now, even when I’m almost 15 years removed from the industry, I still have frequent dreams of threading projectors during a booth shift. I feel like I could walk into a 15 screen booth and still be able to thread and start an entire set without missing a beat. Those were some of the happiest days of my professional life. Just you and the machines. It was really zen.
Doesn’t sound like someone who’s minutes away from starving buying something that was obviously unnecessary though, does it?
And if a guy with shitty credit and unsteady income is able to get financing on a six-figure truck, that’s more the banks fault.
Can you point to specific examples of someone you have encountered in your daily life, someone who is nearly starving… but chooses to spend their money on an unnecessary indulgence? Because it sounds like you’re otherwise just perpetuating stereotypes.
Elmore Leonard. Dude was a massive influence on popular culture. He was instrumental in teaching Tarantino how to be Tarantino. He wrote the books that SO MANY great movies and television shows were based on.
Hunter Thompson. His gonzo style is often imitated but rarely duplicated. And it’s such a goddamn simple concept, but no one else managed to do it with his flair.
You’re the fool they say is going to be parted from his money.
You gotta start maximizing your coils, yo. I was one shotting bad guys left and right with a couple high level impact damage coils on otherwise mediocre sharpshot bows.
Disney released an animated movie a couple years ago called Strange World. It was a wildly mediocre movie with a plot that had a very obvious pro-environment, message that was subtle as a brick.
But what really ruffled the conservative feathers was son character who had a gay crush. For as preachy ad the rest of the movie was, the gay crush subplot was amazingly well done. They treated it like any other hetero love interest subplot. It wasn’t preachy or hamfisted or campy… it was just a family being happy for the kid.
Yeah, the OP comic was her parents, but the meme is more representative of the people commenting in this thread.
A majority of my shirts have been band related since I was old enough to buy my own clothes. I’ve never been questioned, interrogated or otherwise questioned about my appreciation for the band.
On that same token I’ve never felt compelled to interrogate or judge anyone else on their choice of band shirt.
I don’t think you know what the words “nationalize” or “communism” mean.
Sure thing, chief.
You are a monolith to us, the people you colonized, fucked, killed and used as pawns. I don’t give a fuck about your minority of good people
First of all, I’m being pedantic here, but America never colonized a middle eastern or Arab country. I get your point, but calling America colonizers is just putting a hat on a hat.
Second, you sound just like the ignorant assholes in America who were harassing Sihks after 9/11. Stupid and full of hate.
It’s funnier when you know several Zacks, and they’re all terrible.