My flavor of sleep disorder, I fall asleep when I’m bored. On modafinil I get through the boring activities like driving without falling asleep. Without the drug I’ve no issues staying awake for hours after regular sleep if I’m really hooked on something, like a good show, game, or project. At the end of the day once the drug starts wearing off, I’ll fall asleep watching shows if they aren’t engaging enough.
They say it promotes wakefulness, but I don’t buy it. I think they’ve misidentified some key mechanism, at least in neurodivergent brains.
When I fall asleep, I hit REM within 15 minutes, compared to the 2 hours it takes NT brains. This was per an EEG taken during my sleep study, overnight and through forced naps the next day. I swear I’ll be in REM while awake sometimes, if I’m fighting sleep, like I perceive the movement.
For Korean BBQ, and other restaurants like this such as Hot Pot, you need to drop any conception you have about these being places you go to eat. These are places you go to socialize, the food is secondary. This is food that is optimized to be eaten slowly over 2+ hours, because you aren’t there for the food, you’re there to hang out with people.
We tend to have rigid concepts of things and get disregulated when expectations aren’t met. You walked into a restaurant thinking they’d serve you food and you’d be done in a normal amount of time, of course you had a less than ideal time.
I had the exact same complaints about Korean BBQ and crawfish boils, but now that I’ve changed my expectations of them, they are a great time assuming you’re with people you like. The food tastes much better in good company.
I’ve had this experience with a ton of things in life. Not being able to make sense of something sucks. When that something is an event / experience, the experience sucks, and if you aren’t careful you will set in your mind that experience as the standard for such events. So much random nonsense exists strictly as an excuse to socialize, and when you don’t enjoy socializing because you haven’t managed to consistently do it with people you like (basically all NT people, 85%+ of the world), the random nonsense won’t make sense. None of this is ever outright explained.
Me at 12, taken fishing on a lake. 6 hours later, what the fuck was the point of that. I could have been playing video games. We didn’t even catch any fish! Me at 30, hell yeah, an excuse to drink some beers with friends and get away from the house for a weekend.
Hopefully you can give it another shot one day, maybe at a place that has more comfortable seats. There are certainly places where everyone gets enough grill space and food doesn’t need to be shared so much.