The one in the middle is called M. Rover.
The one in the middle is called M. Rover.
And then there is NileRed, who does lick the chemistry He does.
As a general rule, I would discard any product where an unpleseant and/or bitter aroma is not exlicitly expected. Our senses of tase and smell are very good at distinguishing “good”, that is energy dense and clean, food from " bad", that is mostly rotten or contaminated, food. I have little experience with cheese making but if any doughs or yoghurts I make start to smell or taste bitter or otherwise off, it is usually because the microfauna got out of hamd and malign bacteria started overproducing.
Dont forget the draft
I love “courageously providing valuable input”. We all can imagine how the process worked.
Au contraire. Anything that begins with “With all due respect” is delivered with all the respect the recipient is actually due.