turns out an ideology that ignores real problems and always seeks out groups to villainize isn’t a good way to make long term friends
turns out an ideology that ignores real problems and always seeks out groups to villainize isn’t a good way to make long term friends
I hope your country survives people like you
Nearly every American company we interact with employs Canadians, if you don’t have the stomach for this you’re not going to do well in these next years.
We should use tariff revenues as well as wealth taxes and other means of economic redistribution to protect Canadian workers but we absolutely must go after American capitalists. Do you think American companies care about their workers? Regardless of nationality?
Every Canadian employed by an American is providing more profit to that American than they’re costing, that’s the nature of capitalism. They employ us out of convenience or because we’re cheaper to employ
they’ll have hell on their hands after an invasion, good luck defending that border or stopping the insurgency with so much wilderness.
it would be Vietnam and Afghanistan rolled into one, but with easy strikes into their homeland.
Let them try it, we will spur the collapse of their fascist empire
Capitalism, like cancer, will always try to grow and grow at the expense of anything else, even the survival of its host.
You can try to put rails on it, but capitalists will spend 100% of their effort using every bit of extra wealth they accumulate trying to take down that system.
Yes you’d buy some time, but the disease would still be there. Think about what kind of government you would need to have to keep capitalism under control at large scale: China seems to be able to pull it off. Is that the kind of government we want?
There’s nothing inherently noble about letting private dictators run swaths of the economy. Workers can and should run the economy. We don’t need to slow down the cancer we need to cut it out.
previous NDP proposal and expected revenues https://www.investmentexecutive.com/news/industry-news/ndps-proposed-wealth-tax-would-generate-60-billion-over-five-years-pbo/
It’s all vice signalling
there is in Canada
how many iterations until you get a minute of video you’re happy with?
How could Trudeau have handled his resignation in a way that would have been acceptable to you? The party leader serves an important function for the election process, and people would rightfully complain if he ran in the election with the intent to step down.
He could have privately held successor conversations behind closed doors and announced that someone else would take over for him during the election, but that wouldn’t be inclusive of the opinions of Liberal voters and people would complain.
He could have immediately stepped down and called an election and the Liberals could have run without a leader. That would be unacceptable to all Liberal voters and many others and would be a stupid move.
When you have a system where the party or coalition with the most seats in Parliament elects the Prime Minister, I don’t see what options you have that would satisfy bad faith arguments like yours.
deleted by creator
lol what a fucking stupid thing to say
they put their heads together and came up with “he’s just like Justin” lol.
it’s amazing they still have the support they do
I think your opinion is heavily influenced by American politics and doesn’t align with how parliamentary democracies work.
If Parliament is “we the people” and they vote to make decisions on every aspect of governance as your representative, how come them electing the Prime Minister is so offensive to you?
You shouldn’t even really be voting purely along party lines, you elect your local representative and they represent you. You should evaluate them on their own merits. They often vote along party lines, but even if “your party” wins your local election or even the most seats that doesn’t mean they get to form government without the support of a majority of Parliament. It’s always been this way, at no point do you ever make a direct decision on who leads.
I never gave it much thought either but now I’m inspired to look it up, maybe they began that way but the policies shifted and the colors didn’t. My American history is not great but I think that might line up with the Republicans at least
EDIT: Wow more recent and arbitrary than I thought https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_states_and_blue_states
We don’t elect the PM
Happy to help, awareness of global politics is becoming crucial and we Canadians will need a lot of help so the least I can do is educate others about our politics.
I agree, learning about the UK system and watching the recent election I was noticing how similar things are both in terms of public opinions but also the mechanics of it all.
I hope we will continue to grow closer together, Canada needs the Commonwealth and/or Europe now more than ever.
The good news is, even if Conservatives win (hopefully just a minority…) what I’ve seen from fellow Canadians this year so far has been inspiring. Stores are adjusting their supply chains to bring in more domestic and non-American international goods due to changes in demand, the number of Canadians crossing the border into USA has plummeted compared to past years, and our military is hitting recruitment targets lol.
I’m too leftist to be too happy about that last point, but it’s a sign that we’re not going to take the bullying. A Conservative defeat would be inspiring, and I might even let myself feel hopeful at that point.
American colors are backwards for some reason. In countries around the world (that I’m familiar with, at least) blue is the conservative color and red is the liberal/left color. Orange tends to be social democrat, I think, but that might be my Canada bias.
This is consistent across the Commonwealth at the very least, but I think I’ve noticed the pattern met in other European countries as well.
An election is coming soon either way, once Parliament resumes there’ll be a vote of no confidence. The NDP committed to it and it’s suicide not to follow through.
but surely we have to go back to the Sassanids to find an analogue for current events