Those two (Tom “Long Neck” Cotton and Josh “Run Forest Run” Hawley) look so much alike I keep getting them mixed up.
Those two (Tom “Long Neck” Cotton and Josh “Run Forest Run” Hawley) look so much alike I keep getting them mixed up.
Even without a poll, it’s common sense that he would appeal to Trump voters more. He’s an anti-vax conspiracy theorist. And don’t forget that for some reason, they love the Kennedy name. Remember how they were waiting around in Dallas for JFK Jr (and Sr, even!) to show up?
How do you like the prism launcher, does it work well on linux? I’ve just been using the standard .deb launcher.
Java version on a Linux Mint desktop.
I have a set of stretches I’ve been doing every morning (or 95% of mornings) upon getting out of bed, for over 30 years. The only thing that’s different these days is that I have to go pee first.
It’s irritating how these articles always choose such misleading clickbait headlines.
First, a governor does not “pass laws”. The legislature does that. Then the governor can veto, sign, or do neither–in which case it passes by default. Our (KS) governor is a Democrat and has vetoed so many anti-LGBTQ+ and abortion restriction bills I’ve lost count. Unfortunately, the supermajority republican legislature has managed to override a bunch of her vetoes.
The other bill, the “ID required to view porn” bill is making the rounds through most red states. It’s not specifically about “acts of homosexuality”–that is one item in the list of what is considered “sexual content” in the bill. She did not sign that bill, but it will pass because she didn’t veto it either. It’ll be interesting to see (here and in the other states that passed this) what kind of “feedback” these legislators hear from their constituents who can no longer view their porn anonymously–or at all, if the sites stop operating in these states.
I’ve always said (jokingly since I’m an atheist) that Christians got it mixed up and thought Satan was God, so they’ve really been worshiping Satan all this time. They don’t want to admit they’re wrong about him being good, so they make up all kinds of excuses for all the horrible things he does. That’s why they were totally conditioned and ready to do the same with trump.
Our useless justice system: “And if you do it again, I’ll issue another gag order! And then if you do it yet again, I’ll issue yet another gag order!” etc. etc.
A stroke can definitely affect your speech, so some people may not pronounce their words as they did before. In some cases it might sound to others as if they have a “foreign accent”, especially if they can no longer pronounce some sounds like “th” or “r” well, which are also sounds that non-English speakers have trouble with.
As for suddenly being able to speak a language they never knew? No. I have heard of some people becoming more artistic or creative, but that could be from damage to other parts of the brain that previously inhibited that behavior.
Before that you had to work until you died or couldn’t physically do it any more and starved.
Unless this is sarcasm, please get real. I can’t believe how many people actually think POTUS is some kind of emperor of the world who just has to decree what they want and the other countries’ leaders obey. You think he just has to tell Netanyahu “Stop” and he stops? Surely you’re not that naive.