Similar to how the market works here in Iraq. They package refurbished consoles with new boxes and often 3rd party controllers. A ps1 with two controllers and a usb flash drive full of random roms goes for around 50,000 IQD which is about 35$.
Similar to how the market works here in Iraq. They package refurbished consoles with new boxes and often 3rd party controllers. A ps1 with two controllers and a usb flash drive full of random roms goes for around 50,000 IQD which is about 35$.
Missed the accuracy.
Mull was the only browser on my phone, which was more than enough for me, never encountered a problem with it and haven’t had to use another browser for the past two years.
You could break the security pin or use a small flat-head screwdriver.
I didn’t have a Torx screwdriver, so I broke the pin and used a regular polydrive, disconnected the red wire, and rolled tape around the exposed end.
It did let me disable it on the Xbox Accessories app back on Windows. Then it stopped working, and I couldn’t open it again because it thought I had an old version of Windows for some reason. Now on Linux, it is still working aggressively to the point that the controller sometimes disconnects or falls off my hand.
Disabling it in steam input doesn’t disable it in Lutris. I have already thought about disconnecting the motors as an alternative method after making sure there’s nothing in the software that can do that, as in Windows.
Also, thanks for the info on the screwdriver.
They don’t, I’ve only seen Sony consoles repackaged, basically because they are well known to most consumers. When it comes to Nintendo, they sell cheap knockoffs that come with 1000 games or something pre-installed.