Or just hit airplane mode / power off. Or just leave the phone at home, the procedure takes only 5-10 minutes.
People are way to attached to their phones. The world will not collapse in that hour, it is a survivable event, or so I hear from reputable sources.
First ten minutes were the worst, after that Biden started to make at least some reasonable points.
Just to clarify definitions that probably wouldn’t be considered deafness, it would be an audio processing disorder. Ability to hear music but inability to process the words.
Deafness is “binary” in that it just means ones ability to hear sound or not. If you can hear sound even slightly then you just have a hearing impairment and are not deaf.
Random tangent, but what is the magazine on the lower right? ‘Quilty’? It’s a bit funny that was placed there as a joke of some sort.
I just consider any comment after Jun 2023 to be compromised. Anyone who stayed after that date either doesn’t have a clue, or is sponsored content.
What the heck is sicko mode and making hay?
Because you can very easily already calculate the increased cost of natural disasters; droughts, floods, severe storms with wind and hail damage, crop spoilage, etc that is occurring right now. The future disasters will be worse.
As explained in the article they take the cost of current disasters and multiply the known effects of global warming to calculate what costs will be. They can only calculate what they know.
The costs are probably more like 1000x anyway because there is no way to really apply an accounting system to a complete calamity that would happen if numerous very likely feedback loops happen, as they hint to in the article.
People don’t live in rural areas primarily because of the distance to their jobs and a lack of infrastructure. Otherwise most people would choose rural living over living in a dense city if all other factors were equal.
Closeness to nature, lack of pollution/ city noise, free use of the earth and land, etc.
until Israel bombs them back and starts a new war
The entire premise of the article is the exact opposite - that Trump did better when turnout was high.
A new poll suggests it’s Republicans who should be rooting for higher turnout.
Try searching org.breezyweather in fdroid. For some reason I had to type it exactly like that.
Admins, mods, users; we’re all human. I dunno if it’s some big secret but I use /c/asklemmy posts as informal posts, and just consider the highest comment as the most popular opinion. Imperfect but effective.
I asked what community Lemmy most needs, and the most up voted comment was ‘cranes trains and excavators and stuff like that’. I made the sub and it’s been pretty popular. Maybe you guys could take the same approach, just an informal asklemmy post asking for input before any site changes?
Is there an alternate survey site that could be used other than Microsoft? The site is pretty much impossible to see in dark browser mode as well (light grey text on white background).
Aside from that though, what is the difference between Lemmy and sublinks?
Ours had all of that. I think many of the bad things you hear about US education is mostly a concerted narrative to try to denigrate the importance of publicly funded schools. IE to reduce funding and line private schools pockets.
It is highly likely that exactly zero Russias nukes work. Nuclear maintenance is extremely expensive, and there is a zero percent chance that corruption that we witnessed in tank maintenance and other areas of their military did not spread to their nuclear program. It has also been 34 years since they successful a launched a nuke.
Russia as a country has never launched a nuke (USSR did) so it’s seriously debatable if they even have the capability.
And I’m not advocating for war, but Russia needs to have consequences for their actions, and the world needs to respond resolutely and immediately before this gets any worse.
That has nothing to do with elections and everything to do with the direction news media has taken. Outrage sells, reasonable politics not so much.
Voting 3rd part has the opposite effect. Republicans voted 3rd part in 92 to shift policy and lost the presidency for 8 years, and the appointment of 2 lifetime supreme court justices.
oops, my mistake. added correction
is there a way to do the opposite of to the moon GME? What’s the opposite of that? Crash & Burn 🪨🔥🪨🔥🪨🔥