Well, in German we say “bitte” or “gern geschehen”, which is close to the “welcome”. Of course, people can and do also say “kein Problem”. I guess in my experience it depends on how I feel about the task and the person I did it for.
Well, in German we say “bitte” or “gern geschehen”, which is close to the “welcome”. Of course, people can and do also say “kein Problem”. I guess in my experience it depends on how I feel about the task and the person I did it for.
Your comment made me think of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQDdmobnGcw I don’t know if it really fits your case, but the general message of men oftentimes not learning to keep up social relationships and that it sometimes huts them in the long run might be something to be aware of :)
Regarding “Love on the spectrum”, I found these videos very insightful:
Thank you, I didn’t know the song and I am deeply moved by it ❤️
In my experience it is simply necessary to prevent oxygen to get back into you jar, as oxygen is what is needed for mold to develop. In regards to pressure recommendations, I am not of much help, I like to use old preserving jars with a rubber band between jar and lid, that allowes pressure to get out without oxygen getting in.
Thanks to your comment I finally understood, why I always had an aversion to competitive games. No joy in winning/destroying another, so much frustration when I lose.
Oh, good point! I will take that into consideration! Thank you! :)
I don’t know Primewire, so I’m just leaving you the websites of the German public broadcasters here, they rarely have mainstream popular stuff, but maybe something fits your need:
If you want to download or watch those productions on mobile, I can recommend https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.christinecoenen.code.zapp
Imho, a good visualisation for the difference between a million and a billion is in this Tom Scott video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YUWDrLazCg
I like to use Anki with some shared card decks: https://ankiweb.net/shared/decks?search=german
The learning pattern that Anki has configured by default suites me quite well and the app and the card deck is highly customizable.
Mind you, this is mostly only for learning vocabulary, not for learning grammer.
I don’t know if this will keep the labels, but you can try to sync your contacts via DAVx5 to your nextcloud instance. Use https://f-droid.org/packages/at.bitfire.davdroid on both phones, this app syncs calendars, contacts and notes. In the setup it should be enough to login via URL and credentials. If you run into problems with this setup, let me know, I can try to assist you :)
Once you got that set up, it is a neat way to keep your contacts backed up and synced with other devices like a PC. If you want to dive further into the syncing without relying on Nextcloud, I recommend Baikal.
Good luck!
For me, it’s not the text placement itself but the mapping of color and text. Reddit should be red, Twitter should be blue 🧐
I don’t know where you got “a couple of years old” from. Do you mean, that the Fairphone 4 in general is a couple of years old?
Because, on the website it says the refurbished devices are: “After less than a month of Fairphoning, the phone is returned” So the Fairphone was only in use for max 4 weeks. I would still count that as mostly first hand :)
I feel you… For me, it sometimes help, when I notice that I’m doing it, to grab some knitting/stitching project or to grab a Rubix’ Cube. But as others said, a specialist would be a good idea.
When I saw your post I remembered a meme I saw on Lemmy, it’s kind of sad, but also makes me more aware of it…
I learned way too late about the fertility cycle of my female reproductive organs. What, I can feel my cervix, if I just reach into my vagina deep enough?! And oh, so during my fertile days, my vulva will get slippery, my cervix is soft like my earlobe, and my cervical mucus becomes stretchy like egg white?! Also, my body temperature rises?! And on the not-so-fertile days, my cervix is closed, feels harder (like the tip of my nose), and none or less mucus. That’s wild, so much to learn about a body that I thought I knew!
(You can use these observations to contracept or to become pregnant, but if you do, please inform yourself about Natural Family Planning (NFP) or the sympto-thermal method. It takes a routine and some experience for it to be reliable, but once you get the hang of it, it is awesome!)
I recently learned that the full quote goes like this: “Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.” Thought that might reconcile you with the phrase :)