Lula already recalled his Brazilian ambassador from Israel
Lula already recalled his Brazilian ambassador from Israel
All the money being lost for nothing
Not true, war profiteers made a lot of money
South Korea was a brutal right wing dictatorship until somewhat recently, so maybe their views are a bit different. They also have some pretty awful labor laws to this day, even by capitalist standards. I don’t know what they actually think about the DPRK though, but their experience with capitalism is not at all like the US or Ukraine.
Bourgeois democracies are absolutely incompetent at dealing with fascists. Lula’s government will continue to slide rightwards as he gives more concessions to neoliberals as well.
Which is often better than streaming anyway
When Israel does a genocide: Self defense
When Palestinians fight back: Terrorism
Funny how that works
its continued use of United Nations forums for its own purposes.
Because the US never does that, ever.
I’ll ignore the response for the onlookers and bite anyway No, I’m not going to “magically” solve anything. Overpopulation is a malthusian reactionary myth and often two steps away from claiming that the poors have too many babies. The reason why the environment is being destroyed is because of capitalism. It’s simply not profitable for the people in charge to switch for cleaner types of energy or to look for any solutions whatsoever. The fact that you think the solution to this is not communism, but that everyone should die, is telling. Another comrade has put it better than I can:
The United States, for example, is 4% of the World’s population but still uses 25% of the world’s resources annually. The United States outsources their pollution and their production to the third world, where the labor is cheapest due to imperialism, and then says “the third world is responsible for the climate change because of their carbon emissions! We need to cut down on the number of people!”
Accelerationism has never worked in our favor
They don’t just eat dead animals, they also eat dead plant matter. Humans decided that some animals are “pests” because they don’t like having them around for one reason or another.
They are extremely important for getting rid of dead things. Everything contributes to the ecosystem, except invasive species, OP’s premise is impossible to begin with.
Americans just assume their experience is the universal one. They can’t possibly imagine that F might be gibberish to someone who grew with Celsius or that people who grew up with Celsius can intuitive tell how hot something is in Celsius.
Sorry bro, we spent the 22 billion on the genocide budget.
We don’t have AI. We have language learning programs that are hovering around mediocre.
That’s all that AI is. People just watched too many science fiction movies, and fell for the market-y name. It was always about algorithms and statistics, and not about making sentient computers.
This happens every time a neoliberal “experiment” is attempted, it was the same with Pinochet as well. However, even if poverty skyrockets, the rich get richer, so they keep doing it.