The problem is taxation for the employer usually. But you can become self employed and pay your taxes locally as your own employer and invoice your sercices to the company you work with.
This is what I did some years ago without moving borders.
The problem is taxation for the employer usually. But you can become self employed and pay your taxes locally as your own employer and invoice your sercices to the company you work with.
This is what I did some years ago without moving borders.
Switched to nix in the meantime.
Crashes are just the system telling me to restart. As god intended.
sudo dnf up
Works for me.
Nobody expects the “4 elephants” GPU.
Little visible light dilates pupil. But there’s still plenty of UV that burns the receptors. The back of your eye doesn’t have melanin like your skin to absorb it or relevant pain recptors to notice the damage.
I’m doing just fine with my bio body…
This was just the straw that broke the camels back.
Why the /s? We are migrating our host to RHEL7 since months.
Just gotta make sure to drink enough adamantium milk for those bones.
Should have jean that coming
*JOMO (joy of missing out)
It has some nice health benefits. Tricks your body into suvival mode.
The USB-C pulling double duty for an audio port means it wears out faster. If the port needs replacement sooner, then that goes against their e-waste reduction goals. But look, they have ear buds!
Great, more batteries, more points of failure. Simple is best. I want my wired headphones.
So I could choose, get replecement parts for my current phone (charging board + battery) for 40 eur. Or get a new fairphone for 700 eur, downgrading my battery by 40% and throwing away a functional phone.
The second biggest dealbreaker for me after the small battery.
Ok, they have a USB-C to jack dongle, but guess what USB-C port’s wearout is the reason I was looking for a new phone in the first place.
This was me just recently. Decided to build the pc for a friend who only had a laptop.