Self documenting systems ftw.
Self documenting systems ftw.
Or stop mucking about with toys and use protectli running opnsense.
Trump took yer jerrrrrrrrrbs!
The creator of this meme never read Calvin and Hobbes. Stop desecrating Watterson’s work.
How else can we keep racism thriving?
Racism will continue to exist so long as people continue to get offended by friggin food of all things.
And the commute is considered working hours. An hour commute means I’m in the office 9-3. With a lunch break.
I just put a toilet in my camper van. My own place to poop no matter where I am!
Interesing to see this at the top of my feed after watching Redbad last night. Poppo was his son. Similar enough to make me think of it.
Ride smooth not fast has won me some mountain bike races.
The music industry figured it out. Now the video streaming industry needs to. Until then, arrrrrr.
Huh. This is how I feel about LNPs who think they are doctors too. I think in most cases I’d prefer the ai.
Anti-dam != Pro-coal
Dams are the worst. They destroy habitat and ecosystems, and are dangerous. No new dams should ever be built anywhere.
You can ship to Graylog with netcat or filebeat. Then you can do all of your graphing, searching, and analysis there.
That wasn’t a gaffe. It’s his normal way of not knowing a damned thing about any subject and just spewing random adjectives.
So diaper don definitely shat on it.
If you can eat captain crunch, you can eat a crouton.