Based on the about of Lemmy comments advocating for it, it seems like the typical voter is pretty passionate about ranked choice voting.
Based on the about of Lemmy comments advocating for it, it seems like the typical voter is pretty passionate about ranked choice voting.
Sounds like that driver needs to be hit by a blue shell
No, road design should be improved to make it comfortable and reasonable to follow the laws, and uncomfortable to break them. Think raised crosswalks that function as speed bumps at intersections, narrow roads to reduce speeding, that sort of thing.
Wait, that’s not a correctly formatted SSN!
Too bad it also blocks bus traffic. And it’s not like the buses have an alternative route.
Edit: in fact it’s worse for bus passengers as the Golden Gate Transit system relies heavily on timed transfers and many buses run once an hour, so even a 10 minute delay could cause bus passengers to miss their transfer and make them have to wait an hour.
Why not leave the defaults as-is? They’re probably set like that for a reason.
But if I click, will I start getting recommendations like OP’s feed?
You mean it’s NOT an accurate random sample of reality?
Maybe they were a passenger and the actual designated driver got in an accident due to something out of their control.
Sounds way too confusing, and goes against the whole idea that “Linux is easier than Windows because it has an App Store” and “you don’t have to use the command line”.
I agree, I haven’t experienced the stereotypical “WiFi doesn’t work” (except for a college network), but I have had issues with screen brightness not working (though seems to be fixed in newer versions), and issues with the Nvidia graphics card that I can’t just swap out with an AMD because it’s a laptop and I don’t want to buy a whole new one.
Glad I’m on iPhone where I don’t have to worry about “launchers” and everything works out of the box.
Links’s Awakening remake?
I haven’t played OpenTTD, but comparing from the videos I’ve seen, yes it’s uglier.
I like Simutrans, which is basically an OpenTTD competitor with more complexity but an uglier interface. Sadly development on it has been fairly slow, at one point there was a one-way road patch but it’s since been abandoned.
It would be nice if I was not logged out every few hours when browsing on iOS (safari). It’s annoying and I often just read threads logged out, then get sad when I can’t upvote without scrolling to the top to log in again.
Are there any EMRs that are good?
Yes it is, because quite a few people are obese, and they deserve to feel normal too.