They shouldn’t be, but they have a long history of doing exactly that.
They shouldn’t be, but they have a long history of doing exactly that.
Probably wouldn’t be allowed on a plane.
This is how you get Christians to lobby for no religion in schools.
Now if there’s an imam to step forward, we could really accelerate this process.
Wait until the Satanic Temple joins the action…
Because he can’t do all the things simultaneously?
Remodel as residential?
That’s expensive and time consuming.
I’ve seen it done a couple of times and it took way longer than just bulldozing and rebuilding. But that would have been even more expensive.
Remodel as residential?
That’s expensive and time consuming.
I’ve seen it done a couple of times and it took way longer than just bulldozing and rebuilding. But that would have been even more expensive.
It’s all part of the “move fast and break things” development process.
End up bad, but for the first couple of quarters that “rock star” MBA has created huge short term profits. And is that what really matters in business these days…
So you blame Israel for existing
The process that brought the state of Israel into existence caused a lot of animosity among the population who were previously there.
Add to that decades of Israel displacing more people by annexing land for their “settlements” and its not hard to imagine why there would be resentment and anger against the Israeli government.
Are you arguing that Israel should kill children?
That’s not how I read it.
My interpretation is that Israel shouldn’t be creating more orphans who will have a lifelong desire for vengeance.
All you have to do is redefine "christian-like behavior " to be whatever you want it to be, regardless of what the Bible says.
Though the bible has enough vagueness and contradiction that you can usually find something in there to support almost any position…
Well when you outsource all your skilled jobs to other countries for a few decades, it shouldn’t be a surprise that they will move ahead of your country in the skills needed to compete against you.
That quest for extreme short term profits at the expense of your own long term sustainability/survivability has come back to bite you in the ass. Congratulations corporate America, you’ve played yourself.
It’s not even limited by country. There are far too many places in well resourced countries that don’t have access to good (or any) libraries.
That excludes a lot from the biblical text.
The “no working on the sabbath” thing continues on to list that you also can’t make servants work on the sabbath - which would include the poor verbally abused waffle house staff working the Sunday brunch shift when the after church crowd comes in…
An Asian language font should do nicely.
Or perhaps a Farsi font.
They will be one of many, I expect.
large, easily readable font
Can it use large font characters from non-english languages?
The account’s discovery raises questions on just how many bots are operating on X, including those run by foreign adversaries
Far more than you imagine.
Will be?
I haven’t had any interest in visiting the place since Bush was president.