Somehow I interpreted your comment as this
Somehow I interpreted your comment as this
I was just joking a little bit
But, but, 0 is also a bit…
*ne pas avoir
Looks like jerks have been around ever since pangea just fell apart.
Goddamn I cant believe I have to explain this. Typing porn as pron or pr0n is funny because it connotates a rather transparent way of trying to hide your porn collection on a computer used by others/relatives. It in no way has anything to do with censoring. Stop getting faux outraged by every little non-thing. (he said outraged by a non-thing)
It’s for storing your DSs, obviously.
The title is phrased a little weird though, as if Ukraine is to be blamed for this cluster fuck of a situation.
How does an Austrian-alps-cows-charge-hiker story end up in the Free Malaysia Today?
Minister of descent
That might also help a tad.
My guess is it has something to do with the already exorbitant healthcare costs Americans are making (causing the asked price not to be an outlier) in combination with the obesity epidemic going on in the country.
Gotta love the invisible hand of the free market.
That’s not flying, that’s just falling with style.
Huh, I thought I recently read China accused the US of tricking China into invading Taiwan but that they won’t take the bait.
I guess this is what ‘not taking the bait’ translates to in Chinese?
Surely they can’t both be true at the same time though, right? Either governments are rightfully not participating in a price-gouging racket, or they are cheapskates not willing to pay pharma companies.
I bet he’s compensating though.