Ex-Reddit Account (nuked): u/justlookingfordragon
My youtube channel (mostly BotW and TotK content)
Trade List for Pokémon SwoSh
Maybe Hyrule is a Discworld-esque flat map that rotates every couple of years and they’re now in the phase where the “map” is rotated by 180 degrees? =P
…joke aside, I’ve heard three theories about this that make a bit of sense:
The first setup was an accident and it was actually meant to be like in TotK right from the start, so the devs merely corrected their mistake.
The swap was done to make locations feel “off” and new, even the parts that weren’t actually changed much (like for example the Sanidin Park Ruins).
The swap was done to make the desert part easier, since now the Gerudo Highlands provide a lot of shade while the sun is north. It is already difficult enough to navigate in the Gibdo-infested sandstorm even if you’re not currently boiling to death, so the devs granted players a bit of mercy here.
None of these are in any way confirmed tho - they’re just fan theories.
The original “project” in BotW took a while to accomplish, especially since I also wanted to find out what time of the day the pictures were taken (so the shadows would be identical), and I did it more or less blind so finding the right spot wasn’t always easy either (I had the most trouble with the Eldin Canyon and Nameless Forest pictures). Took a good month of trial and error back then.
Since the locations haven’t changed between games, the “requirement” to get the weather AND time right no longer applies, and the fact that I know the BotW map by heart after playing basically nothing else for 6 years straight, the TotK version was a lot easier. Took me about a week, including the video version ;)
Immediatly after the cutscene, you can still pick up the rock. If you revisit the location later, the circle will be completed and the rocks can no longer be picked up, but the Korok will be still present. I guess it’s some sort of safety measure so the player can’t just repeatedly solve the same puzzle.
That’s an interesting zero-effort way to farm clicks… I guess coming up with some actual clickbait to boost engagement was too much work?
Eat them dry while maintaining eye contact to assert dominance.
Shipping fictional characters in itself is completely fine with me. It can be nice to spin your own stories out of availiable canon material, and even nicer if future canon material also supports the ideas that have been spun, like in this case here. There is no harm in that. Fanfictions, artworks, tin foil hat theories, headcanon of any kind - 100% fine with me.
However, I fully agree about “ship wars” not being worth it in any way. It takes zero effort and no energy whatsoever to just chill and let people enjoy stuff they like even if it’s not your cup of tea, instead of going apesh*t aggressive when someone has a different view on things. Never understood the motivation behind this senseless hostility to make others miserable for no reason.
For example, I personally like the idea that there is no romantic interest whatsoever between Zelda and Link, and that they’re just very close friends that fully trust each other. The idea that those two have a crush on each other … nope. Don’t like it, won’t incorporate the idea into my own headcanon, ever. But that does not mean that I have the desire and/or right to tell others that they are somehow “wrong” for shipping those two. I’m completely okay with others thinking differently about this topic - To each their own ;)
That’s how it always should be IMHO. Just respect and acknowledge that not everyone likes the same stuff and don’t be a prick about it. (Which is the point that people engaging in “ship wars” grossly fail to understand for some reason)
It happens to the best, no worries ;) The good thing is, that it is an easy “fix” since you can just crosspost the older stuff to the new community and everything will end up in the same place.
The posts in your own posting history are from lemmy.ml and the community you linked is on lemmy.world which is a different instance.
Do they at least keep the monstie element / color change this time? TBH I was severely disappointed in MonHun Stories when I learned that they removed the only gameplay feature that kept gameplay interesting after the main story.
Hyrule, preferably the version from Breath of the Wild. I mean, yes there is the whole Ganon thing and one shouldn’t go too close to the castle, but the rest of the kingdom is pretty chill, and apparently you can make an easy living by just lazy foraging in the countryside, or by selling a handful of acorns and bugs at random stables, or by growing a grand total of eight pumpkins.
I’ll take a life as a homeless but well-fed drifter on horseback anytime over … this. gestures vaguely at the current state of the world
Apologies. I just downloaded the biggest version I could find and mashed the edited version and the crisp original together - the edited part is still a little blurry, but the rest of the pic has better quality now: https://i.postimg.cc/YrzZnvwS/test.jpg
(You might need to use the “download original” button in the upper left corner)
Here you go: https://i.postimg.cc/XVZLpYMG/tears-of-the-kingdom-official-wallpaper-without-logo-the-v0-tt1qgl6ii56c1.png
Someone on reddit edited the logo out (u/Kobob_KC)
I just absolutely hate being a man in a “what role men have in society”-way.
I know exactly what you mean. A lot of random nonsense is seen as “unmanly” for no particular reason. I’ve seen grown ass men throw temper tantrums about doughnuts with pink glaze, because it is apparently uNmAnLy to even touch one, as if you would get a visit from the man police and they revoke your man card for even contemplating touching something in a “girly” color. It’s just complete and utter nonsense.
It is a lot healthier to not give a flying fuck about gender roles - but also harder, depending on the society you live in. I have the luxury of being a big, bearded dude so not many people dare to openly mock me when I do “unmanly” stuff - I let my niece paint my nails whenever she wants. I cry when movies get emotional. The last dog I owned was a mini pinscher, and I still miss her. I don’t like beer, cars, football/soccer/whatever. I bake and cook and I can get real passionate about it. I still own my first ever plushie.
…but I also have a bunch of friends who have been relentlessly bullied for similar stuff, gaslighted into believing that they deserved it for not being manly enough. And it breaks my heart every time I hear yet another story of someone killing their own passion, numbing themselves down to the point that they become unable to enjoy what they formerly loved, just to “fit in” a society that doesn’t accept deviation from the perceived norm.
Fuck gender roles in general. All they do is make people miserable for not fitting in.
EDIT: The above statement is not meant to bash trans folk by the way. What I dislike are the expectations tied to certain societal “roles” and the almost automatic ostracisation by “the society” if someone isn’t fulfilling enough of those expectations. Let people be who they want to be.
Not a bug. The OP explains in the other post that they edited their heart count to open the Door of Time earlier than intended, which skips the cutscene that triggers the fourth shrine and the teleportation feature to be unlocked. You’re not supposed to be able to teleport earlier than that, so the game works as intended (even tho it sucks for the OP to be stuck that way)
Not sure why it play so much worse than the Great Plateau.
100% agreed to that point tho. It takes AGES just to get to the shrines in the first place and locking the teleport feature up until the very end of the tutorial wasn’t exactly the wisest design choice. In BotW the player can teleport as soon as there is a travel point unlocked, and story-wise it is weird that Link somehow forgot how fast travel works between the two games.
Now imagine if that was a Lego factory … you’d NEED safety shoes with steel soles for that.
Abso-friggen-lutely. But don’t forget that blahajs need a special diet so if you want to share a cup with them, you need something like this: (100% vegan and alcohol-free as well. AND zero calories!)
Cute dog/cat videos on the internet and a lemonade?
Plushies count too.
Ohhh nice! Thank you for the link ^^