Who doesn’t want to grow rich in their sleep?
Who doesn’t want to grow rich in their sleep?
I think that the question of what “understanding” is will become important soon, if not already. Most people don’t really understand as much as you might think we do, an apple for example has properties like flavor, texture, appearance, weight and firmness it also is related to other things like trees and is in categories like food or fruit. A model can store the relationship of apple to other things and the properties of apples, the model could probably be given “personal preferences” like a preferred flavor profile and texture profile and use this to estimate if apples would be preferred by the preferences and give reasonings for it.
Unique thought is hard to define and there is probably a way to have a computer do something similar enough to be indistinguishable, probably not through simple LLMs. Maybe using a LLM as a way to convert internal “ideas” to external words and external words to internal “ideas” to be processed logically probably using massive amounts of reference materials, simulation, computer algebra, music theory, internal hypervisors or some combination of other models.
I understand it when it is specifically for large cities (>500,000 people or so) but when done at a state level it makes no sense. I understand that it is functionality not enforced in smaller communities, but I personally think any law that has poor enforcement for good reason (such as more than half of the vehicles not complying) should be removed or redefined (perhaps only require it on commercial vehicles or make it a secondary crime).
Also the Toyota logo is messed up
Wtf, why would budget cars need to be inspected every 6 months/ how does this even work for places that have no mechanics within 50 miles?
Conforms to a specific revision of HTML with a specific revision of JavaScript and css, also requiring it to not use any proprietary extensions of either HTML or JavaScript.
Or the government could just use PDFs and email, I think that might be able to accomplish all the functionality of most websites.
There are ways to make this slightly less black and white, but most of the time the author doesn’t do it because giving the main character mental health issues / memory loss takes a considerable amount of effort and can easily come off as making fun of the irl equivalents.
If the main character only had the memories of their previous life, none of the personality, extremely little of the wisdom, none of the muscle memory/ automatic responses, and pretty much needed flashbacks to remember anything from their previous life (eg. remembering witnessing someone’s death being a way of remembering that walking alone at night is dangerous, potentially also having modern police or weapons be shown leading to the main character questioning where these memories were from) or at least extreme emotion attached to the memory (eg. The main character encountering fireworks, making them feel happy/ nostalgic while their peers are terrified of the loud noises). Essentially what I guess I’m trying to say is in my opinion if the previous life was treated like an illness instead of just who they are cross age relationships in isekai would have more complexity to their morality.
Just use DVD-r for storing the core os so that you won’t ever have problems accidentally deleting your is on accident
Can it list available settings that could be changed, because if so it is an almost perfect replacement for the settings app?
Black and by the cup?
Counterargument: think how many of those people could be put out of their misery if the cost of water was increased to $1k/gallon and all other sources of water were removed.