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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • That sucks. BUT. on the bright side, I bet you remember this birthday more than you would if everything went swimmingly 😅 and you’ve got people who love and care about you enough to try to make your birthday special (even if a certain youngling is flipping out).

    Yesterday the power flickered at my residence, and I was all of a sudden very aware of the almost 30 degree temperature difference between inside and outside (was 100 F here yesterday). Stay cool!

  • Great. Awesome. This way our regulatory agencies can be hamstrung just like prosecutors going after crooked cops with qualified immunity. Unless the law specifically states what is to be regulated and how, then agencies can’t do shit.

    Just like how if the law doesn’t specifically state that a police officer can’t do a thing, it’s fair game!

    This is such a disastrously stupid ruling, further curtailing our ability to combat climate change and all but dismisses any authority the EPA and other agencies were once afforded.

    conservatives have such a boner for the vagaries of the second amendment, squeezing in as many assault rifles as they can into something original drawn up with fucking muzzle loaded muskets in mind. But as soon as anything vague in law is used to do good, they’d rather throw out democracy than risk doing the right thing.

  • I seriously almost did this. I visited the Netherlands, and fell absolutely head over heels for their way of life. It’s so damn peaceful and free! You don’t have to worry about getting shot when you’re running errands. You don’t have to worry about going bankrupt through medical expenses. You don’t have to worry about going to jail over weed or mushrooms. You don’t have to buy a car, because bicycling infrastructure and public transportation is AMAZING.

    While I was there I met a lovely chap who is originally from England. He told me that he spent a holiday in Amsterdam, and broke his leg. So he stayed at the hospital, and afterwards, just didn’t leave. He’s been working/living there ever since.

    When it came time for me to leave, I had accidentally missed my train, and it was going to be some extra money to switch around my flight/train to get back home, and a part of me was seriously considering just being like “fuck it” and staying. The only thing stopping me from moving there now is the knowledge that I’d have to continue paying taxes to the U.S. if I wanted to keep my citizenship while living and paying taxes in the Netherlands. 😑

    If anyone can tell me a way around this… please do, because I want to move to the Netherlands.

  • From the study itself:

    These (UPFs) products are characterised as industrial formulations primarily composed of chemically modified substances extracted from foods, along with additives to enhance taste, texture, appearance, and durability, with minimal to no inclusion of whole foods.

    What is a “whole food?”

    I looked further into the paper they used to classify UPFs

    A practical way to identify an ultra-processed product is to check to see if its list of ingredients contains at least one item characteristic of the NOVA ultra-processed food group, which is to say, either food substances never or rarely used in kitchens (such as high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated or interesterified oils, and hydrolysed proteins), or classes of additives designed to make the final product palatable or more appealing (such as flavours, flavour enhancers, colours, emulsifiers, emulsifying salts, sweeteners, thickeners, and anti-foaming, bulking, carbonating, foaming, gelling and glazing agents).

    So I guess a “whole food” is a food that doesn’t contain High fructose corn syrup or additives. But if they are making this direct link between ultra-processed foods and increased mortality, then surely it’s these specific substances that are responsible for it? So why aren’t we banning high fructose corn syrup and these additives?

    Surely it doesn’t need to be more complicated than that?

    “What happens when we eat these substances?”

    “we tend to die more quickly then if we didn’t eat them.”

    “so let’s ban these substances.”


  • For Bacon, Lewis’ son, the lack of charges is an open wound. He worries no one will remember what happened given the passage of almost four years — and the number of others killed by police under questionable circumstances.

    At this point, the damage is done. A child has to grow up without his father. They had the trooper in jail for 100 days, paid the Bacon family 4.5 million, and only agreed not to prosecute the trooper because he signed a pledge to never work in law enforcement again. So they know he F-ed up, but what’s with the slap on the wrist for the trooper? He shot this black man in the forehead, 1.6 seconds after stopping his patrol car. I don’t even understand why he got out of his car so quick after successfully pitting the guys car. The guys car is perpendicular to the road, in a ditch, with your squad car behind it. Why are you jumping out with your gun drawn? God, you’d think he’d be jumping out to make sure the driver was OK, but nope.

    Someone driving intoxicated should be punished, not murdered.

  • When I started my first “real” job, where I got health insurance, it was an absolute nightmare trying to find a therapist through their network. I remember having to call them to figure out if they would cover visits to a specialist in trauma. Sat on hold for an hour and 45 minutes, just to get some random woman who would NOT give me any information until I told her “why” I needed to see a therapist.

    After trying unsuccessfully to skip past the question, she kept asking, so I said fine, and trauma dumped all over her. I’ll save you the details, but I could tell she was shaken once I finished. After all that bullshit, she still couldn’t even tell me if the provider was covered or not, and instead sent me a 90 page non-searchable PDF listing a bunch of random therapists in random order located all over the state (which was negative help). I was so upset I just hung up on her.

    Medicare for all. Health insurance is a scam that bankrupts Americans, puts barriers between you and care, and actively harms all of us collectively.

  • Empathy in all things, friend! When I originally posted my comments, I was all full of piss and vinegar. I was fresh from my city’s pride parade festival, and as per usual, there were a bunch of protestors, hucksters, and others trying to scream at, ridicule, and scam everyone in attendance. What should be a safe space, gets turned into something else. I guess that’s what happens when you try to be extra inclusive, you end up welcoming everyone who would also try to ruin the event. It upset me. Particularly this article, where it seems like now even just being overweight gives people the entitlement to steamroll what should be a celebration of gay culture.

    That being said, I do have empathy for people addicted to sugar and carbs. When I’m extra sad, I let myself splurge on calories because it’s better than the two alternatives, booze and suicide. And when I’m sad for long enough, I gain weight, and then that becomes another thing to be sad about. It usually culminates in my becoming so upset that I say “EFF IT” and start working out/eating better. Losing weight ALWAYS helps me feel better again. The process of taking control of what I eat and how/when I exercise is fundamental to tackling my depression.

    and one of the best tips you can give to someone just starting out, is how to find fast food that’s healthy. Pro-tip, get the wheat bread at subway. The Sweet-onion chicken teriyaki sandwich is only 360 calories and tastes amazing.

  • The amount of refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup that the U.S. allows in our foodstuffs is so much that it’d carry criminal penalties in European countries. That shit can be just as addictive as heroin, and is in EVERYTHING. It’s also been shown that sweet but sugar free substances that let your body taste sweet without receiving any glucose, increases your craving for the real thing. So while eating sugar free stuff can help satisfy a sweet craving, it can also exacerbate it.

    When I see an overweight person, I don’t think “oh what a lazy POS,” I think “There is someone in the throes of addiction.”

    There’s a reason Jenny Craig modeled her weight watchers club after AA.