That’s a good one too, none of the typical over-excitable YouTuber talking or abrupt cuts to talk about sponsors, just Ari rebuilding the ct90.
I’m sure there are niche users for who paying the price of admission is acceptable, but for myself and I assume a vast number of other users, when I’m comparing performance of hardware I’m already checking reviews on multiple other sites, so this will only mean I don’t bother to check their site.
I haven’t visited their site in a long time though, so I’m not sure what value-adds they offered that might make the price more palatable.
That sounds great, I’ll have to watch it.
This movie was something special, the first 10 minutes or so are completely bonkers, and set the tone for the rest of the movie. Things are silly and played for laughs at every opportunity, however some highlights are multiple sex scenes that drag on to the point of incredulity in the same way as Family Guy often did with some of it’s convey sequences, and just got funnier the more over the top it became.
The Terminator from wish was also incredible value, from the terrible attempt at an Austrian accent to his interactions with the head mistress.
Overall we loved this movie a lot and I can definitely see it making a future appearance at a bad movie night with more of my friends
Isle of man: go fast lol idk
Not going to lie, I chose to watch this based solely on the poster. Not surprised to see David Carradine, but was pleasantly surprised to see Sherilyn Fenn a few years before her time on Twin Peaks. The movie is kind of goofy, and it definitely has its flaws but I don’t regret watching it.
Kind of clumsily touches on elements refined in future movies like Gattaca, Minority Report and others, but it’s still fun world building. My favourite tidbit is that in this world it’s normal for cops to conduct dick inspections. What a future.
S-tier B movie, lots of fun with friends.
Watched this in the evening with my friend, and it was an interesting take on a monster movie, having not seen many evil djinn in film myself. Loved the practical effects of the djinn at the end too.
Fun effects, very 90’s style, really interesting soundtrack. Overall a pretty decent movie, seems to be heavily inspired by The Thing (1982) with some of the practical effects. It’s the duck’s guts 👍. Just choose your country and this should show streaming services which have the movie available. Here in Australia it’s on AMC+, while USA has a couple of options.
Watched this last night and I love the whole movie, but the absolute chaos and familiarity of the first half hour is amazing. There was a bit of a lull in the middle, but the movie was definitely a lot of fun. Our favourite thing is how everyone just seems to accept that they’re drive-in people now, including the love interest with practically no encouragement, but when Crabsie floats the idea of trying to get out everyone is incredulous.
Also the idea of towies fighting for wrecks and fighting off roving hordes of carboys is a lot of fun.
To put it in context, there was a number of very upset racists in the 80’s and 90’s in Australia who were panicking about the increase in Asian migrants coming into Australia, and this movie would have come out in the thick of if, I love the commentary of this movie and pointing out how silly the racist arguments actually are.
NSW Police are a complete joke, if it’s not strip searching minors it’s just good old corruption.
This movie definitely straddles that line between being so bad that it’s good, and so bad it’s just bad, but it had enough funny moments and self-awareness that I think it’s worth a watch. There were some fun zombies as well, and some pretty great visual gags that got some big laughs out of me and my friends. If you love zombie movies I think this is definitely worth a watch, if not there probably isn’t enough here to make it worth your time.
Woah, I thought his name was familiar but didn’t make that connection! That’s a really cool bit of trivia. Glad to see my countrymen representing.
Watched this last night and it’s a lot of fun.
A couple of random suggestions:
Summoning Salt - Video essays detailing world record speedrun history across a variety of games. Videos are easy to understand and assume you aren’t intimately familiar with the games in question.
RRC Restorations - A Scottish bloke that does really in depth restorations of mostly cars and motorcycles, very relaxing and a joy to watch without any flashy filter. Just a super talented guy doing cool things in his little workshop.
Motion in Art - Film essays similar to some of your other favourites that might be of interest.
Art Deco - Analysis, investigation and explanation of art, including the history and context in which paintings were made, themes and motifs, and details that you almost certainly missed when looking at art as a layperson.
Fredrik Knudsen - Making the series Down The Rabbithole, which are dives into a variety of topics, including tech and history.
Lemmino - Video essays on conspiracies and mysteries, all are very interesting and worth watching.
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