is that next level Bionic Reading?
is that next level Bionic Reading?
“The only problem about being immortal is that you need to drink blood, a set of ethical problems spanning a tetralogy”, so I haven’t really seen/read about the exact idea you’re talking about. Got any media where people actually say your kind of Immortality is bad?
Well, (my vegetarian friend’s least favourite dumb philosophical question:) Is Death Even Actually Painful?
ooor, “people only get rich if they are not good, they do not stop being good as an actual result of having money”. That’s what I thought OP[1] meant.
The “equity” from "Private Equity (has consumed America by Sam “Wendover Productions”)? or which one? If you mean equality (also known as equity): do you mean how insisting on equality of e.g. external conditions (taxes, school curricula, etc.) is ableist or something?
And/or it makes you sound like a zoologist
The problem with that interpretation is that you can’t have “libraries turning into drug-infested, libraries turning into sex dens.” because “drug-infested” is not a noun phrase a library can turn into like “sex dens” is. I also tried misinterpreting this comma as a comma between two adjectives, which doesn’t work because “sex” is not an adjective. Maybe “Libraries turning drug-infested, into sex dens” fits your interpretation better. Does it?
the real reason he didn’t deduct the wish from your total is because that would make him a wish fund manager just said about a meme where it is much more obvious, but especially without context I think it could be said again that its mean to the depicted bandit to show im as grumpy and having a disfigured stereotypical bandit chin, except when you know these features have somehow caused him to become a bandit. If they are typical features of a bandit depiction, but not based on the actual appearance of bandits (or whatever the guy even is), then it is sadly a stereotype. I want more people to think these thoughts because I liked them.
except when it got half-got me down the leftist/socialist rabbit hole when I was thirteen. I think the last video by Second Thought which i have watched is “How to make Communist Propaganda”.
i didn’t like the fifth one much either, though that may just be because it takes the sad but funny acceleration/power creep of stupidly impossible technology like bistromath, time travel, and (AI assisted!) multiverse time travel to its conclusion, it all stops feeling special, or because the only thing all this does to problems of capitalism (the cathedral of chalesm) and other human problems is make it more absurd (for comedic effect). idk i still left out like more than half the reason further books in the series feel more depressing than earlier ones, as I don’t know it. Why is it a trilogy?
insert barely comprehensible joke about Alice and Jasper Cullen
I only ever think this when I awkwardly come into contact with people;; when they’re not there, people are fine
Tangentially: I’m not even sure some group labeled ‘deep state fearing MAGAphiles’ would write these prompts. Through the European Lens of absolutely no first hand experience with a member of this group, I would guess that if one were to fear the deep state as if it existed, the first thing to do would not be to use a tool that completely makes up every detail of it. I assume one would also have to be manipulative to create an image that does not even convey anything they think they know about the deep state, because it’s so generic, but is still intended to proliferate belief of the deep state. In the end, this image could also be some kind of troll, pulled by whoever, maybe some satirist from the Netherlands, and the Captured Poster could have reposted this instead.
Sorry, the thing I assumed you thought was that the older generations want AI to realize these prompts due to their political beliefs. I was then trying to say that “Donald Trump and the existence of the deep state” is a shallow model of the political beliefs of the older generations.
I don’t think that “tech illiterate” solves my problem, because surely there are tech illiterate old boomer Biden Supporters who don’t believe in conspiracy theories? Do you have these prompts from somewhere else, and were you actually hinting at the fact that tech illiterate people just tell the AI what they want without the Prompt Engineering Fluff, or that they say the same prompt 5 times? You did actually clarify in your other reply, speaking of “the imagination of qanon”.
I’d love to insert some comment about curbing our stereotypes against old people a little, even if the Captured Poster looks old on the pfp.
It’s definitely the next level of bionic reading.