I know the Corsair 800D used to have these. This looks different, but might be in the same line.
I know the Corsair 800D used to have these. This looks different, but might be in the same line.
Another vote for Binging with Babish - though my interest waned when he started going from “hey, I could try making that!” to episodes requiring ever more complex and expensive niche machines (e.g. dehydrators), I completely lost interest around the time he started doing the “going round buying folk things” series. Never really got back into it, unsubscribed after a while.
Bon Appetit was great, then everything happened, many folk changed (for good reason) and it just lost the appeal for me. I’ve watched some of the spun off channels, but some of the appeal for me was the interactions.
I used to religiously watch everything Shut Up and Sit Down put out, but found myself watching less and less over the last few years - turns out, they changed primary content creators and editor (if I understand correctly) around that time, and announced that they did so recently. Still watch occasionally, but it’s a very subtly different style that hits less reliably for me. May also be related to me managing to play fewer boardgames, lately.
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Had to look it up, but “most probably” built between AD 1000–1050. Love that it’s old enough that we’re not entirely sure…
Or, to use your example, reviews that don’t understand the product or play it for laughs. 😅
The “I” in “LLM” stands for intelligence.
Hold up. Digital zoom is, in all the cases I’m currently aware of, just cropping the available data. That’s not reconstruction, it’s just losing data.
Otherwise, yep, I’m with you there.
I don’t think loss is what people are worried about, really - more injecting details that fit the training data but don’t exist in the source.
Given the hoopla Hollywood and directors made about frame-interpolation, do you think generated frames will be any better/more popular?
That’s great to hear! Thank you
I’m having an issue where the toggle for post-title -with-share when sharing an image does nothing - but I don’t see anyone else with the issue, so maybe it’s just me?
From what the steam reviews say, it’s using Dosbox for the former.
Just FYI, it generally seems that none of these require origin or the EA app or any more than Steam as DRM.
QuickBooks, by far. Running that on premise (which we did before they offered it as a service) was an absolute pain.
Out of interest, at a high level, why?
Did they patch out interesting exploits/speed run things?
I’d argue that you’re massively stretching “one pan” and perfect steak, here… But as said, to each their own (perfect steak).
For me, the crust formed after a reverse sear is way better than that after a sous vide, without more effort.
But it’s a hellishly expensive thing that seems to not attract enjoyment from current Firefox users, and seems unlikely to bring new users, and (again) seems to be prioritised over other things that could better use the money, like developers, so…
I mean, give folk a few years and it’ll be something to add to the “you can’t assume X about a name field” list.
Really? Sent but not received, I guess? It seems like near any other method has things to show that you’ve sent it, that the server has received it, that the other user(s) received it, that they read it…
And images are… Well, very limited indeed. And costly, if we’re talking MMS!
To me, it’s definitely not the best choice - but I’m not in the states.
I’m not quite the target for this, but I’d value the ability to take age-ID (which for me is always my driving license) on my phone in some way.
I’ll also say that I think you can get to Samsung wallet without unlocking your phone, though you need to authenticate to trigger payment, so it’s possibly a way of not handing your unlocked device out.
I’m always weirded out by folk handing over cards to be taken to machines in other areas, too.
Edit: Huh, seems like there may already be a solution for me, [here] (https://www.postoffice.co.uk/identity/easyid).
Out of interest, have you seen hbomberguy’s recent video on plagiarism in YouTube and the section on AVGN?