I highly recommend Science Vs, 99% Invisible, and Cautionary Tales. Pretty good if you’re into nerdy stuff. I also recommend Endless Thread if you’re interested in stories about the internet. What audiobooks have you enjoyed recently?
I highly recommend Science Vs, 99% Invisible, and Cautionary Tales. Pretty good if you’re into nerdy stuff. I also recommend Endless Thread if you’re interested in stories about the internet. What audiobooks have you enjoyed recently?
Fascinating! However, the fire department (or whoever is your local IDR unit) will almost certainly run coolant while cutting a ring off of anyone.
Yes! I should have clarified. Wedding rings getting stuck on old people’s fingers will be the main use case for those tools, meaning people will have to buy a lot of titanium cock rings before it’s cost effective for hospitals to have electric cutting tools as standard.
Hospitals will generally have ring cutters like this:
They are hand powered and very cost effective for gold and silver rings. Diamond tipped cutters usually need something like a Dremel to power them. They look something like this:
They are much more expensive compared to hand powered ones, and pose a higher risk to a patient so they would require additional training to use it, which is another extra cost.
Nominative determinism: destiny based on names
I’m not surprised, I’m pretty sure they’re wetland birds too.
Australian white ibises. They’re kinda like the Australian equivalent to a raccoon in the US; they eat rubbish and their roosts stink because they tend to congregate in a single tree and then shit everywhere. But they are quite unique looking birds: long beaks, black heads and white plumage. So the tourists find them quite interesting and the locals call them bin chickens.
The prosecutor went on to have a pretty successful career and I think had a role in Obama’s administration. She basically said “I’m sorry your son killed himself” but never admitted to having a part in his death.
I’d argue that creativity shouldn’t be linked to technical skill. I’ve met people who have really creative ideas and solutions that they couldn’t carry out because they couldn’t weld, machine, do carpentry, paint, draw, or otherwise carry out their idea. Are they not creative? Sure, to be a great artist you need those skills, and using AI does not make you an artist as a result, but using AI to demonstrate your creativity shouldn’t be demonised. Creating AI using other people’s IP without their permission should be demonised.
DD Mon YYYY for human readability, YYYY-MM-DD for computer readability.
21, nope. I’ve heard of a rocky training montage, but would have no idea what you meant by a rocky montage with no other context.
With the side benefit of providing a fast lane that emergency services can make great use of
But that is the reality of most users today. They expect to have a GUI because it gives them the options right there, rather than having to go and learn what commands this particular system accepts. If you don’t cater to those users, like my parents, my friends, my grandparents, my teachers, and basically everyone I know who isn’t a computer nerd, and then expect them to “come to their senses” you will be very disappointed. Good design meets users where they’re at, it doesn’t expect them to “educate themselves.”
It shouldn’t be though. A command line interface is not user friendly for entry-level users, and until Linux UX designers realise this, Linux will never gain a greater market share. And we have seen this with Ubuntu, Mint, and other “user friendly” distros gaining popularity. I’m not saying that we should necessarily aim for broad-scale adoption of Linux as an end in itself, but more users means more support for Linux which means a better experience for all.
Not necessarily a mastodon app, but I’d love to see consistent application of markdown. The client I use doesn’t seem to support spoilers, and I’ve seen others that implement headings differently. It would be nice to have all clients implement it the same way.
I’m always kinda impressed when people can fill silence with a lot of words without actually managing to say anything.
Depends how your client renders markdown
#this is a tag using an escape character
#this is a tag without an escape character
(May be rendered as a tag or a heading)
Farken oath mate, I hear what you’re farken sayin. These cunts have no bloody idea and they make us all look like wankers. Shits me to tears.
Folding@home is still going, and is also on PC. Pretty cool idea. Anyone know if current-gen consoles run it?
This time it isn’t (I think)