I mostly agree but I would argue that spirituality comes from within, while religion comes from external sources. Religion is just other people’s packaged version of spirituality/faith.
Things are getting better. Scooter has been being pretty friendly to Noki. Noki is still unsure when entering the same room because Scooter likes to run over and give headbutts and he can’t tell if it’s going to be friendly or not. If he stands his ground it’s all good but if he runs Scooter gives chase but it’s getting better everyday now.
They’ve been together for about two years with no problems, but a few weeks back Noki got outside for a few hours and when he came back Scooter went ballistic and started attacking him. Idk what smell he picked up but it really set Scooter off. I don’t think the smell is a problem anymore but they both seem to be holding a grudge about the fight. I kept them separate for a few days and fed them treats together under a door until they started getting along again but things aren’t stable yet. They’ll be good for a while and then next time they see each other they’ll hiss. Cats right? 🤷🏼♂️
If you don’t tell your cats that they are good boys, how will they know that they are good boys? Lol