There once was a comic named Susan… #QI
There once was a comic named Susan… #QI
Serious question. Would Star Citizen be used in a video like this in 20 years.
Sky full of stars
Saved you a click Here’s what’s new in version 1.6.4:
Adds create Steam Shortcut option for Linux and Mac
Allow setting console pin for console in settings
Add window type option in settings (fullscreen, stretch, zoom)
Fix issue causing extra blank ip manual console added when registering non-manual console
Add option to adjust when Wifi connection symbol appears based on % of dropped packets in 200ms interval
There’s an easy to use AppImage download available on the release notes on GitHub.
Immediate feedback when you hit enter
Address 220 irq 7 interrupt 1 V42bis modem
Be kind. Rewind.
It’s totally true. It’s coded into the office 365 license. Read it carefully to find the hidden messages. Wear a mask to defeat the cameras.
I share that memory. At least twice
Clean Slate. Dana Carvey.
Or Memento.
The percussion on this album is ridiculous. Probably all drum machines but still so good. Must be heavenly live.
Just can’t get into the final track. Like everything else is epic. Listened 100s of hours.
Expect to see nothing on mainstream TV.
Is that select * ?
I expect it looks more cumbersome with joins and multiple columns from different tables.
Got a call to rush to hospital. They were going to switch off life support to cousins dad. Was listening to ColdPlay when I got into the car. Fix you was playing.
Tears stream down your face lyric wasted me.
The song will always be about supporting my cousin and being there for them.
Billy idol greatest hits was playing on repeat when I played Super Hangon on my amiga. Always takes me back.
But not tonight by Depeche Mode walking to church on Christmas Eve. I didn’t have it playing but I was singing it in my head that night. Not religious at all but that song in that moment was my hymn.
Don’t bang the Drum by The Waterboys. Guitar screaming and nearly getting knocked by a car while walking to my final exams.
Dead Island backwards trailer for the game. Mad World trailer for gears of War. Gary Jules Everybody wants to rule the world Assassins Creed trailer. Lorde. All of them take me to watching those trailer for the first time.
Hey dude.
And after all…
The 13 lap stints at the end were killer.