Oh I’m getting lit either way
Oh I’m getting lit either way
Finally, some meaningful reform!
“Sa” is an Egyptian hieroglyph meaning “protection”, an Arabic measure of volume, a type of Mandaean sacramental bread that is rolled up, and a character in the Javanese script.
That is a mighty fine stick gun!
For one, it sounds like they oppose corrupt courts, so that’s a plus!
It’s somewhat specific to someone with my type of background; namely growing up in a family of young-Earth creationist, fundamentalist Christians, and learning that things like science and evolution are lies from Satan.
At some point curiosity got the better of me and I realized I didn’t even know what evolution even is, so I read up a bit about it. Then a bit more. You know, this actually kind of makes sense. Eventually the rabbit hole led to the existence of God. I remember watching a bunch of debates and expecting the most learned representatives of our Christian tradition to make some really great arguments. And… they… never… did.
The elasticity of demand is not static.
Are you saying id-gaff or I-D-G-A-F?
Well that’s … descriptive.
I mean, I wouldn’t call riding a motorcycle “safe”.
I’m not even arguing against them, it just feels like calling it “safe” makes it easy to dismiss all the safety precautions you should take and safety gear you should use whenever you do ride one.
Hmm, I have a taste that I associate with pain, but I don’t think it’s seafood. I don’t eat a lot of seafood though, doesn’t suit well with me.
I understood that reference!
I googled “was Avogadro ugly” and found this picture posted on r/funny ten years ago. But also quite a few people seem to agree that he was indeed quite ugly.
Not to mention several or none of those things, combined with some type of neurodivergence. Like, I know I’m supposed to engage socially here and if it’s not a situation I have much experience with I might just accidentally tell the truth in some way that NT’s think is weird.
I’ve kind of understood “dealer” to be someone who sells illegal drugs, and “budtender” to be someone who works the counter at a legal dispensary. I dunno for sure, I don’t actually encounter these concepts often.
It does seem kind of silly, I mean we already have words that describe people who work in stores. On the other hand, it’s specific and easily understood from the first hearing.
Honestly, why? We’ve got billions of people driving around in cars they don’t know how to build. Is that a problem too?
But trust me on the sunscreen.
That would tend to suggest that it would also do alright in compost doesn’t it?
Also, I might not be any fun to play Scrabble with. lol