Yeah I guess, but that doesn’t really help. Humans already killed most of the whales so rubbing in our technological superiority is quite gauche.
You never know if whales are going to get revenge for this kind of stuff someday 😅
Yeah I guess, but that doesn’t really help. Humans already killed most of the whales so rubbing in our technological superiority is quite gauche.
You never know if whales are going to get revenge for this kind of stuff someday 😅
Yeah that sounds nice. But what if you just ended up spending all of your time in the tank? It might be too much power to have a tank like that on tap
Are you asking this because of Stranger Things?
I think the biggest issue is that a bathtub isn’t big enough for most people to float in without touching the sides. Assuming the tub is large enough, the epsom salt would work to make you float and would be cost effective. You would have to figure out a way to regulate the temperature to 98.6 degrees though. And you would have to be in a pitch dark room.
Fun fact: every species on earth has been evolving for the same amount of time. Assuming that life wasn’t spontaneously generated multiple times on planet Earth, which seems relatively unlikely.
For some reason, I feel oddly defensive about the whale being insulted. Suck on that you stupid marine biologist, you should understand evolution more better.
Fraven Pooth here, pleasure to meet you.
Yea I just meant like if you were ordering food or something. “I’ll have it without the teams”
All Microsoft with no Teams? You’re an absolute mad lad 🤪
Comprehensive collection of American baseball player names as imagined/made up by Japanese developers of Fighting Baseball in 1995 due to their lack of licensing rights. Never gets old.
The gift that keeps on giving 😂
Hungary and Poland have always shared a special connection, but this isn’t how it was supposed to go 😅
It’d be wasted on you, as my previous insights have been. But yeah, evolution doesn’t exist, genetics don’t exist, whatever helps you sleep at night buddy.
There’s nothing different between me and LeBron James, I’m just not trying hard enough to dunk 😅. If only I made the choice to dunk the basketball, independently of the fact that my ancestors are not particularly tall. But my ancestors are irrelevant, as you’ve clearly asserted.
That was a really pretty goal. Lukaku jumped out of the way and opened up a tiny window for it to squeeze through
The US is really big, but the Northeast megapolis is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to driving etiquette.
Hm, that makes sense. My mistake. Doesn’t change my actual point but thanks for the info. Substitute passing lane for left lane and that’s what I meant.
I’ll get back to you on that. Seriously, I just don’t have time rn but I’ll edit this when I have a chance within the next 24 hrs. The second half of your question is particularly difficult to answer.
Ok I just accidentally wiped my edit before saving. Fuck that, I’m not writing all that again. God damn it that was such a good response too. Sorry.
I don’t believe that anyone truly acts independently. We are all products of our environment, of which our ancestors comprise a significant portion. I don’t believe in free will.
Your contention regarding inventions is wrong, but irrelevant anyway. I understand that it’s nearly impossible to discuss this topic objectively without allowing your personal emotions to bleed into it, so I’ll just leave it at that. I’ve already made my points but you don’t seem to understand at all.
significant portions of a population dying during or prior to fertility is the only way that natural selection works. That or the existence of bachelor herds that lead to a very slim minority being the only ones to breed.
And I don’t understand evolution? Wow. I think it’s possible you may be suffering from a severe case of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
There’s nothing different or more special about one person’s progeny than another
How do you figure that? Are you familiar with the theory of evolution? How do you think we got to the point where I’m communicating to you through a global communication network? Dumb luck?
We are as important to future generations as past generations are to us. If previous human beings hadn’t done everything they did, we wouldn’t be here now. Likewise, everything that we do in the present has a rippling effect for the rest of human history. Having kids allows you to have a little more direct input on what kind of ripples you leave behind.
The passing lane* is for passing.
I actually like it better that way because it emphasizes how obvious it is. When I visited the UK and rented a car, I actually found that drivers were far more courteous and self-aware compared to the US.
Why wouldn’t it matter? If your family doesn’t matter to you, what does?
'ooh those 12 people have something to do with me if you go back far enough"
It’s not about that, it’s that those 12 people won’t ever exist if I never have any kids. They have everything to do with me, because without me, they wouldn’t be alive. And I also think the world will be a better place if they do exist.
It’s not our genes that he cares about. It’s his genes.
For me personally, I feel that I am inherently good, humanity is inherently good, and I just want to pass the torch to the next generation and see how far they can carry it. We’re currently in a bit of a slump as a species, but I believe that everything will turn out alright in the end and I’d like for my descendants to be around to enjoy and indeed contribute to it.
Definitely. That’s an NYC dude on the NYC subway, can confirm