Yeeees! This is what we need to see
Yeeees! This is what we need to see
Colin Mochrie.
This is a game called Helping Hands. Colin, you’re going to be Donnie’s hands and in this scene Donnie is trying to change his own diaper in the middle of a the Oval Office during a press event with the Canadian Prime Minister.
What’s next? Femtofunctions
How about, you give me AI ‘enhancement’ and more ads and I’ll give you my solemn word to never use your browser again? Deal?
deleted by creator
I see, we don’t have such things over here. Thanks for the explanation.
Odd, I just looked up a famous national park in the UK and it’s listed as ‘National Park’
I’m fine with fewer details, 'k thanks.
Having used Apple computers since the Apple II+, I think I’m allowed to say that the vast majority of Apple’s mouse designs have been utter trash. The one that I might give a pass to is the ADB Mouse 2. I’m not expecting Apple to change the habit of a lifetime by designing a comfortable mouse.
Royal Mail releases Brexit anniversary scratch & sniff stamp that smells of raw sewage.
Vampire iPhone, stake through the CPU
I don’t get the RCS hype. I already have apps for rich messaging and RCS offers nothing for me over those apps. What I do appreciate is SMS, which is posed to be killed-off by RCS. I can rely on SMS even when there is no data signal, can’t say that for RCS. I wish I had a way to permanently disable RCS on my Pixel 6a, instead I have to keep rejecting the ‘upgrade to RCS’ dialog.
Jean-Luc Picard, of the Jeanterprise, NCC-1701D(enim)
Certainly on the jetty, near the jeach
It’s this not the kind of scenario the founding fathers foresaw when drafting the second amendment?
Not a big one. In my 20s, asleep in bedroom, girlfriend asleep next to me. I wake up and see dancing, glowing blue filaments, about 20cm long, moving through the bedroom. No sound, bedroom is otherwise completely dark. It was a similar glow to Cherenkov Radiation, but at a much smaller scale, and clearly defined, glowing threads.
Wake girlfriend who grumpily agrees they exist before falling asleep again.
5 minutes later they just stop and I never see them again.
We were the only people in the house, in a room with blackout curtains and with all electrical items turned off at the wall (UK plugs rule).
Still no explanation to this day.
I read the whole article, yet in my head it was being narrated by Adam Curtis. Same vibes.
Waiting for an enterprising weapons manufacturer to release a new gun named the “Term Limit”