• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 22nd, 2023


  • Key Points

    • A rocket team reports the first successful detection of Earth’s ambipolar electric field: a weak, planet-wide electric field as fundamental as Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields.
    • First hypothesized more than 60 years ago, the ambipolar electric field is a key driver of the “polar wind,” a steady outflow of charged particles into space that occurs above Earth’s poles.
    • This electric field lifts charged particles in our upper atmosphere to greater heights than they would otherwise reach and may have shaped our planet’s evolution in ways yet to be explored.

  • Not a big one. In my 20s, asleep in bedroom, girlfriend asleep next to me. I wake up and see dancing, glowing blue filaments, about 20cm long, moving through the bedroom. No sound, bedroom is otherwise completely dark. It was a similar glow to Cherenkov Radiation, but at a much smaller scale, and clearly defined, glowing threads.

    Wake girlfriend who grumpily agrees they exist before falling asleep again.

    5 minutes later they just stop and I never see them again.

    We were the only people in the house, in a room with blackout curtains and with all electrical items turned off at the wall (UK plugs rule).

    Still no explanation to this day.