the US has a pacific coast, this is in the pacific, therefore this is off the coast of the US, so what the fuck are the chinese even doing there? why did they decide to put their country right in the US’s backyard? are they mental?
the US has a pacific coast, this is in the pacific, therefore this is off the coast of the US, so what the fuck are the chinese even doing there? why did they decide to put their country right in the US’s backyard? are they mental?
oh no, i’m not falling for this. you’re not a cat. i’ve met cats, i’ve talked to them, i’ve seen cats use the computer. you’re not a cat.
has he tried negotiating?
DOS -> win95 -> win98 -> debian (and i’m still here 24 years later…)
yeah, same. i dont seem to have any problem with my ears per se, it seems more like a processing/noise filtering thing in my brain that’s not working at full power. i think my dad had it too.
i cant understand distorted speech, while most people around me obviously can. i have never been able to understand anyone speaking into a loudspeaker.
this is meaningless since we dont know how often they try and how often they succeed. it’s the monthly moose ration that matters, not how much they can eat from a single kill.
“controversial war shine” has that “officer involved shooting” energy…
it’s gonna keep looping through the foodchain until some microbe finally figures out an easy way to break them down… fun stuff.
lincoln managed to hold and win an election while half the US was under control of slavers.
the slavers of course did not hold elections.
hmm hmm. all this in the 19th century, with 19th century logistics.
anyway, ukraine cant hold elections clearly.
i dont think they’ve lost touch, they’ve never been in touch. this behavior is apparently what produces the biggest profits for the next quarter, so they’ll do it until they drive the platform into the ground, then just start another one and repeat
it’s the logical extension of trying to put the circle block into the square hole as a baby :D
“chose”. learning the language of the worst colonizer of your time’s always been economically advantageous
i used to do this as a kid. plop one of these (but with fruit flavoring and sugar) in a glass of water, let it fizz a bit, then pour a bit of milk on top. the milk would instantly curdle and stay on top in a layer. it tasted bad. curdled milk with sugar and artificial lemon flavoring. i usually just poured it out after confirming that it still tastes bad.
i have no idea why i did this, it just looked fun.
i would hope that, having seen what the euro is like, no sane country would ever choose to voluntarily hamstring itself again by giving up control of their currency
i dont see why they feel the need to convince anyone. biden’s such a great candidate, he’s done so much, he’ll win in a landslide on his own merits, surely. why bother with a few internet weirdos?
because capitalists have to lie about reality to preserve their ill gotten gains.
because win98SE sucked horribly.
i think it’s from a david attenborough documentary
no, she’s bang on the money.