I’m Hunter Perrin. I’m a software engineer.
I wrote an email service: https://port87.com/
I write free software: https://github.com/sciactive
I’m pretty sure she’s being sarcastic.
Humans have an innate urge to pet the doggos. Every time I see a dog in a video game I try to pet it. There’s even a catalog of games with pettable dogs: https://www.canyoupetthedog.com/
I feel like you’re an asshole if you buy a 22 foot long pickup to take to IKEA.
They’ve used both in the past. It kind of depends on the chipset.
Yeah, I read their about page. I wouldn’t trust them as a lone voice on something, but if other groups come to the same conclusion, sure. But mostly, I don’t trust articles with AI image headers. It makes it seem like the article is written by a bot.
I agree with everything up until you said “dilutes”. I would argue that immigrant cultures don’t dilute the host country’s culture, they add to it. In other words, the culture that was there still exists in the same amount and in the same “concentration”, and immigrants bring their culture to newly developing areas of the country/state.
I’m not gonna trust the headline of an article with an AI image from a place called epicenter.works.
A giant douche who’s a convicted felon and tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history.
I know, right?! I can go across the border and buy one in Mexico, but I can’t buy one here. It’s infuriating!
The driver will work fine, but it won’t update to the latest one in the future without GE. (Windows update might update it, but they’re always several versions behind.)
What sucks is you can’t even buy a truck like the second from the left anymore. I mean, you can buy a used one from a few decades ago, but nobody makes small utility trucks like the old Rangers. The new Ranger is basically just an old F150 (maybe even F250).
Happy cake day, FlyingSquid.
Alternate headline: 3/10 Americans are living in fantasy land.
I’m joking.
Happy cake day!
Buying politicians is super duper legal now, thanks to conservatives both past and present. May the super wealthy among us rejoice as the huddle masses work feverishly for their masters. The conservatives have done their part and restored the autocrats to their former power.
I’m pretty sure they have to allow it now. Unless, of course, they secretly hate the constitution and are wholly unamerican.
Facebook never tried in the first place. They just put up a facade that they’ve let fall down.
So your “friend’s” unethical business hired unethical workers and now you’ve come here to ask for advice on running your unethical business without paying anyone. Got it.
Is that Elon Musk?