You should probably learn political terms before telling people not to talk politics. Liberalism as defined by Oxford.
You should probably learn political terms before telling people not to talk politics. Liberalism as defined by Oxford.
Yet again, with the disingenious bullshit.
Liberals = Dems
And learn some damn history yourself. Trump replaced 2 liberal justices which only requires POTUS and Senate. And we learned under Trump that it’s much, MUCH easier to hurt people than to help people. Thanks everyone who refused to vote for Hillary. You did this.
You just proved my point, dude. Look you don’t need all three branches to actual produce results for your base. The Dems don’t produce the results we want because they do not want to not because they’re powerless.
Or even better setup your kindle e-mail address in Calibre and e-mail the books to the personal document cloud. That way the books will sync to all your kindle devices and the kindle app.
So you are less than 14 years old?
2009-2011, they had all 4, POTUS, Senate (59 seats), House and SCOTUS.
Seriously learn some damn history. And it’s extremely disingenious to claim that the Dems didn’t have all 3 from 2021-2023.
Further the last time the GOP has had all 3 was in 2007. Yet, somehow they manage to get their agenda through.
hey’re the only hope for getting anything actually done, like the climate change actions taken by Biden.
You mean his approving more oil drilling than Trump?
If you’re willing to vote for someone committing genocide, for someone who’s let COVID rip and destroyed public health, for someone who kisses and embraces fascists then you’re no leftist.