He literally is an old man. Which is the core issue.
He literally is an old man. Which is the core issue.
Trump wouldn’t have agreed if the mods were going to been anything but prompt readers
The Dems are reactionaries and that is a terrible best option.
I’m saying that if you need signals to reduce the risk of crashing you shouldn’t drive, which is probably 98% of humans. That is the vast majority of people should drive.
You know the answer, why can’t you admit it?
Keep up the cope, you shouldn’t be driving.
I’m sorry that you’re not good at driving but please stop using cars and putting others at risk.
By majority it’s 100%, physics exists and the time required to maneuver in being capable of turning or lane changing is plenty to clearly signal what it will do. The reality is that if you need turn signals you are bad at driving and should not drive. Most humans are not capable and cars should not be how the majority of people get around.
Look at the lib escalate into a spiraling web of complexity in order to justify failure. No, the timeline here was unreasonable and will allow trump to win again. The Dems have served up a silver platter to the wealthy.
I mean the reasons exist but if the system cannot rapidly respond to attempts to destroy it then those attempts will succeed.
It’s really funny to watch people cope with the reality that they are not skilled at using a car. People should not drive cars, cars killed tens of thousands of people.
Yeah it’s really not hard to read what a car is going to do. It’s clear that many people cannot do it and to that end should not be driving.
That the charges weren’t made until late last year is also a failure, the whole process has been unreasonable long.
The system doesn’t want to save it’s self, we are on a clear path towards fascism.
If you need other cars to use turn signals you shouldn’t be driving.
High super consumption has much more impact on heart health than fats as well.
For what it’s worth that person was on a motorcycle
Pork fat is less processed product and certainly more healthy. America isn’t actually great at much but one thing we do have is the least healthy food to ever exist.
Yes, the supreme Court gave itself that power. To that end the other branches could justifiably choose to not find that to be valid.
We are watching tech attempt to assert its self dominant over classical bourgeoisie power. Who was at trumps side? Information technology represents at much or more fundamental change as industrialization. Its not surprising that we are going to seeing a new struggle for power and a push to shed liberal democracy for something new.