My point?
The statement was: “Replace Joe with the evil orange man […]”
My point is, no need for that. The orange man is way ahead of you. I’d credit him for coming up with that meme, years ago.
My point?
The statement was: “Replace Joe with the evil orange man […]”
My point is, no need for that. The orange man is way ahead of you. I’d credit him for coming up with that meme, years ago.
Didn’t Trump love to talk about that Alzheimers/Dementia-Test he once took and how well he performed and remembered that 5 things they asked him to remember? This sounds like a joke I already heard. Maybe we can look up the dislike ratio from back then.
I don’t know where you live, just wanted to say if you’re dabbling in this new hobby, make sure they’re not keeping logs after your contract ends. Your IP of today might still be traceable back to you, if they keep the logs for a fixed time after the contract ended. Or use protection.
That would explain it. I mean if your provider provides you with a proper certificate, you can also use that. But often times it’s just a temporary self-signed placeholder that’s only good for development and not valid.
Where did you get your certificates from and what’s the exact error message? Maybe you’re using self-signed certificates. Those don’t get accepted by anyone else. Your path doesn’t look like the default letsencrypt/acme path…
To me perfect is the enemy of good is: you don’t arrive at good, because you set unrealistic goals for example. But theoretically you all want to go in the same direction.
All or nothing is taking chances, gambling. It’s a different category. It doesn’t have to do anything with one solution being good or bad. It’s saying I want that, no compromises. Like if you say ‘I want to go to Disneyland or I’m not coming with you.’ There’s not necessarily anything good or perfect or bad in it. With political parties it’s often they have to show their voters they’re determined and not taking shit. So they say ‘we’re not compromising’. And that way you have a clear winner and loser. Can be beneficial or detrimental to a goal. The motivation could be entirely different. But both things can also be at play at the same time.
No. 0.19.1 was supposed to fix it, but it didn’t. And people said it syncs at least every 24h hours, but that also wasn’t the case.
The bugreport got re-opened, and I already saw some workarounds and tags for another upcoming bugfix release.
If it’s since then you might be affected by something else, too. But there definitely is the federation bug since version 0.19.0 (early December). So no matter what you do, until the developers fix this, you currently won’t be able to see all the posts/comments.
Not under normal circumstances. I had some issues recovering damaged harddisks that had lots of errors and retries and sometimes either the USB adapter or the mainboard SATA would crap out or handle it better. But for normal copying of HDDs, both should copy the exact same data.