otoh you have stuff like FreeCAD or OpenSCAD completely free and usable AND you could modify it as you please.
Back then FOSS CAD was barely usable.
otoh you have stuff like FreeCAD or OpenSCAD completely free and usable AND you could modify it as you please.
Back then FOSS CAD was barely usable.
Great, now find a project to apply it and collect your participation trophy. :-P
and produce tons of excellent, reviewed but useless code on the way.
Unironically Lynx and Elinks.
world-renowned, enterprise-level antivirus software running
lol. better just use defender next time.
edit: or not use windows.
What’s surprising? You can basically poke a hole in any living thing and goo will drip out if the hole is large enough.
OP pointed out the fascinating specialty of complete transformation with an intermediate liquid state.
It doesn’t need to be constitutional, a simple law is enough.
Sure, if this was some kind of joke poll ignoring the most basic rules of democratic voting, I’ll stand corrected.
Of course they did. Did you ever vote?
How do you think that goes? “Hey you! Only one per booth! Oh, it’s a man. Is it your husband? Oh, I see your marriage certificate. Then it’s all fine.” for millions of couples? Come on…
You might want to check your facts.
How would the husband check? Voting is strictly secret punishable by law. It’s next to impossible to check what your wife actually put on the ballot. For a reason…
I’m no expert either but I never got the idea of a new universe popping up everytime. Do other universes also cause popups of new universes or just ours? That’d escalate quickly :-)
I thought it goes that there’s already infinite universes existing from the big bang on. Otherwise universes would be created without big bang. (The new universe would just pop up and you’d still believe it was created by the big bang but there never was one)
Also I’m not sure if laws of thermodynamics had to span accross universes. Take two theoretical perfect vacuum/radiation sealed boxes you put an energy source into. There’s no way to communicate between boxes. Each box had it’s own entropy and state of energy. Both would obey the laws of physics while being separate “systems”.
That thought experiment wouldn’t work, if new boxes had to pop up if one of the boxes wanted to.
why would alternative universes share a single source of energy? couldn’t each have their own?
I’d like to see the bedbug that survives this. As mentioned elsewhere, this is used by (hopefully) every hospital, elderly home or hotel for worse stuff than bedbugs.
The mattresses leave this thing in a pristine state.
When you refund a mattress they just surface clean it
yuck. I doubt that. It’s manual work and far more expensive than a machine.
but getting them dry would be a challenge
seriously? I mean, there is a chance no such service exists in your town. Bad luck then. But there is close to zero chance it doesn’t exist in your country.
What do you think hospitals do? (Or good hotels, as mentioned). Source: Worked in an elderly home that used such a service regularly.
Here’s an image of such a mattress washing machine.
They work.
That’s not true. All mattresses except the cheapest foam ones are washable (they are, too but they might change properties then). But why get a used cheap one?
There are mattress washing services with giant washing machines that are used by hotels. Ask hotel staff to find one.
You can’t get rid of most of the build-up.
You actually can get rid of all the buildups. Just like with clothes. Also don’t think sellers throw it away when you refund a mattress - they wash it and sell it again.
just ask beforehand if you can test it quickly. while that’s not 100% proof, most people are honest (at least when giving away stuff for cheap/free). There’s a risk, but at worst you get free trash. Never happened to me, tho.
Also most high-quality stuff is always salvageable. Surely it’s more hassle then if you have to order spare parts or such.
Some things basically come for free when they were used. Washing machine, stoves… Disassembling them to fully clean them takes a day or two, but it’s still faster than buying new and chances are good, someone wants to get rid of their high quality stuff near you and will give it away for cheap if you “dispose” it for them.
You can even wash a mattress for a few bucks. If it’s good quality, a decade old used filthy mattress can come out like brand new.
People finding that gross or poorish are the reason, stuff is so cheap
The prime directive uphold you must.
It’s not a small library.
it’s featherweight compared to Windows Desktop, tho
Extraordinary well written article for people who like math but suck at it. Explains basics but doesn’t get boring.
Maybe Leila Sloman should work on school books. :-)