In the region of Albacete (Spain) we have a similar word… and no, it’s not related to the video game giant:
In the region of Albacete (Spain) we have a similar word… and no, it’s not related to the video game giant:
For about 180€ I’m seeing used cards like the RX6700XT with 12Gigs, That would hold up for a while. Stay away from ARC, there are some performance issues with older cpus.
Born in the late 70s, I only recall being bored when my parents made me go to mass, or waiting while they did adult stuff like going to the bank.
Horsing around with my brother or playing with the Casio stopwatch kept us sane.
At home it was TV, Legos, music and bikes
I’m in a mixed case, I do use bone conducting headphones that are wireless when on my bike, because ear headphones are a 100€ fine I would like to avoid. Well, also use a Cardo on my motorbike…
But on the treadmill or at home I use some good quality wired earbuds, with thick ribbon cable that doesn’t tangle up. It is just confortable for me and one less thing to charge and throw away after the batt says goodbye.
The phone: Ulefone Armor 21.
Teletransportation is just killing and recreation of a new being.
Doritos. My dad brought home some bags from USA and instantly got hooked on that shit. Fast forward a decade and now with money and selling locally, I ate them until I got sick.
Yup, 700/700Mb. Also wimax but that only gets up to 25Mb
155.000€ for new 5 bedroom 200+ m2 duplex in my small town in Spain.
No HOAs! supermarkets and schools are in walking distance ;)
Cheapest is around 30K, but why bother?
Quite bad. This was over 10 years ago so the details are muddy… It was on BQ hardware and the first weeks it couldn’t even work outside on GSM or 3G (or whatever was at the time). It was clearly developed and tested solely on Wifi. Using cellular connection make it fall apart and constantly hang.
Then it never was able to get WhatsApp working. Everyone uses WhatsApp, and had to get by using old SMS or whoever I got to trick to install the then unknown Telegram.
Eventually got tired and got back to an Android phone. An Alcatel if I recall correctly.
After some time, BQ offered a way to revert the hardware back to its Android version, did that and had a backup for many years.
It was a very messy and buggy launch, but being on the bleeding edge, it’s expected. If they had offered a WhatsApp app I would have hung on way longer, it was the only deal breaker.
I used an Ubuntu Phone as my daily for about 6 months.
Be careful, you may have it good now. For the next generation, they will make them pay a subscription to the police and firefighters service.
I learnt (the hard way):
Just recently I found out that my new razer mouse can enable/disable scroll wheel indexation by pressing the small button next to it.
Keeping people that don’t like to drive off the roads is only a good thing.
I don’t see a problem here.
Some easy examples you can relate to:
Well, my older one was on raspberry os for a while, because she just needed a web for school stuff, but I couldn’t get movie streaming working, and she was starting with video projects the SD wasn’t enough so I ended up getting her a laptop without pre-installed os and set it up with Fedora, and to date no serious problems.
The younger one has my old Ryzen 1700 PC, and tried Fedora first and couldn’t get his games (Roblox or Fortnite) to work, but did get Steam to work… So without much investigation I just tried another distro based off Debian, and gave a try to popos. Same thing. Reading about it, it’s deliberate these developers don’t want their games working on Linux.
So I’ve temporarily swapped his ssd with a windows 10 setup until I can get him to give up these games. I guess age will do it :(
You get used to them, and in a way look very cool because of their use and what they represent. Although I wouldn’t like to see them in a natural reserve.
I have another neat use for them. Since I can see some out of my window and use this sight to check wind direction and plan my bike route to have tail wind on the end of the route!
They can’t be set next to residential areas for many reasons. One freak reason most people don’t know is that ice can accumulate on the tip of the blades and get thrown into the air. Having a 5kg ice blocks randomly falling on your house isn’t nice.
I finally got myself a pihole up and running. Yeah and the regular stuff… ditched reddit, got protonmail and trying to move my kids to using popos.
A typical hamburger is about 500 kcal so you would have to go up those stairs 100 times to burn it off in theory.
But science is now saying that burning off calories isn’t related to excersise… you burn the same amount doing or not doing physical activity. So I don’t know if this is relevant anymore.