I don’t remember what the number was, but O had a guy ask me at work for a different sandbox server because the number was unlucky in his country or something. So like Dev06 was a no go.
I don’t remember what the number was, but O had a guy ask me at work for a different sandbox server because the number was unlucky in his country or something. So like Dev06 was a no go.
I would take the graveyard without hesitation.
Oh yeah I did love that too.
This is one of the finer moments in the Sequel Trilogy. With all its issues they did land a lot of the humor.
My wife and I both met at the tail end of college in our early 20s, we knew pretty quickly what we had but we didn’t rush things other than moving in with each other after the first year. We didn’t get married for another 10 years.
I almost feel like weddings early on can put huge stress on a marriage. Even if you have somebody paying for it all it creates a lot of crap to deal with and you can get forced to meet and deal with a huge amount of new family members all at once instead of slowly integrating into those things over time. We had to pay for our wedding ourselves so had zero rush and invited only who we really wanted to be there, and while it was a blast it was still stressful. But holy shit that limo ride back to the hotel room when it was all over is a top 5 moment in both our lives.
Home self hosted stuff is definitely the only time I usually get to have fun with this stuff. Work can sometimes involve fun problem solving but by the time you cut through all the red tape to get it anywhere the thrill is gone.
Modular synthesizer. Modulating the white noise generator with a slow LFO to create a nice ocean wave background kinda sound.
Those were truly wonderful times. I remember even around 2000 campus network security was minimal to non-existent and we were all just going wild and I learned so much.
There was some guy who got his homemade rocket hobby funded by flat earther types to prove NASA is lying or something. Also that guy could be crazy and one of them.
But fools will throw cash at the dumbest of things.
If Michael Angelo Batio had 4 arms he’d have to up his game to an Octa-Guitar.
For me the sequels were bad enough that the prequels got a lot of slack. The prequels were awkward and had some continuity issues that were troublesome, but at least there was a plane and a somewhat cohesive plot between the 3 movies.
Test Drive Le Mans is excellent as well for circuit racing.
Now do the old animated “Under Construction” one!!!
Been playing the demo and it is a lot of fun! Very chill and cutesy and I’m not sure how much legs the trading aspect will have but having always enjoyed space games that involve buy low sell high mechanics it has a lot of promise.
I went to school with a girl who never wore the same outfit ever until like her junior or senior year when she got in trouble for something and got cut off. The word was she said something like “What am I going to do!?!?”
That’s far more fucked to and sick than just having kids wear a uniform. Granted most kids aren’t rich enough to have that situation even happen but still.
No but I sure have dealt with a lot a stupid decisions for years because somebody thought it would and used that as an excuse to be wildly insecure to save time.
I had a lot of fun with this, it came with my Soundblaster 16 card I recall.
My apartment complex has a battery recycling center at least. Best Buy near me had a bunch of bins for various electronics so at least some areas in the US have convenient places for it.
Now do they actually recycle them vs toss them in the dump? No clue lol
We stand with you, @SuckMyWang
Or if they have seen the move Cocktail