Would probably be still doing a better job than all those ancient lawyers and business folks.
Would probably be still doing a better job than all those ancient lawyers and business folks.
I’m not sure why I’d store passwords with any external provider. I keep a local database synchronized between my computers and mobile phones, with a backup elsewhere.
MIVD is the military one, usually it’s the AIVD being mentioned when it comes to cybersecurity.
Welcome to tech journalism, which mostly doesn’t employ journalists, nor technologists.
Well, that was a very entertaining race!
Crush it with the driver inside it. One less car needed and eliminates the chance on recidivism!
I’m afraid peak computer literacy and hygiene is past us now. Younger folks are so used to everything just working, that the vast majority don’t care or are willing to find out how things work. (Don’t get me wrong, the vast majority of boomers, gen-x and millennials aren’t much better, but tend to have more of a healthy suspicion because of their analog youths.)
Personally I also use it for other apps/functions, such as synchronising contacts, agenda and files (with offline backups, since you can lose access due to bugs).
Instead of relying on “startups” you could go for (selfhosted) Nextcloud with the notes app.
Android is a fenced garden compared to the fortress that is iOS.
No bloatware that I can recall!
In a way it does, but by default it comes with a fairly standard android. It’s more about the hardware modules and repairability than about the software.
How strong is the Honda motor really? Is it better then the Ferrari and Mercedes ones? Isn’t RBR’s strength that it employs great airbenders and the air lord Newey himself?
I think the one who replied meant you install your PC as if it’s in an EU country. Language settings are independent of “location”. For example, I’m Dutch, but use UK English as a language. Time, keyboard, currency and other values etc. are following dutch standards though.
You can use your real location as a secondary timezone forvexample.
Fairphone comes with standard Android? Unlocking the Fairphone to get a de-googled Android is easy for someone somewhat technically inclined.
I have a Samsung laser printer and same.
Get a phone with a removeable battery, such as the aforementioned Fairphone.
For those who don’t know: the Telegraaf is a “newspaper” which is involved in a lot of gossip and right-wing fearmongering. Not as bad as British tabloids though. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/de-telegraaf/
To paraphrase an answer I read elsewhere: de-orbiting would be like pushing it down from the first step of a long flight of stairs. Pushing it away from Earth would require ascending the long flight of stairs, which is much harder.