It’s Yanni
It’s Yanni
Good, I’m hard, keep going
Isn’t that a Caesar? It’s combed forward which makes all the difference.
We had tight-rolled, acid-washed jeans, so much better than sweatpants /s
That’s a cup handle, not a bottle neck!
Good way to catch flies!
Doing drugs Down the Street The same old thing We did last week
Remove the water from the bottom of the ocean
No W, then?
It’s Never Cloudy in Philadelphia.
Until something gooier comes along.
(really I just saw an opportunity to use “gooier” for the first time and I just couldn’t pass it up)
To collect the space dust, we need a Dyson vacuum.
I had my glasses on, and it still took DrSteveBrule’s comment plus about 30 more seconds before I got it smh
The distinction between a noun modified by an adjective or noun adjunct and a simple compound noun in English is not well defined. You can absolutely call space an adjective in this case.
It’s an adjective?
(Q: What kind of billionaires? A: Space billionaires!)
It even embiggens a kwyjibo like me!
(Sadly I am a fat North American ape, but not balding yet)
When did this happen???
I just read the “Christmas Message” from our CEO, I will paraphrase, “thanks God for sending your son Jesus to save us!” Wish I could quit.
If you pack your groceries in boxes in the cart, wouldn’t that throw off the weight at the checkout?
Sam’s Club does it all with a self-checkout app and cart-scanning cameras at the exit. If you only get one or two things and don’t use a cart, then an associate needs to spot-scan on the way out, but otherwise it works great!