Both Euro and American truck sims run just fine on my Steam Deck. Not on max settings, mind, but it’s good enough for the small screen.
Both Euro and American truck sims run just fine on my Steam Deck. Not on max settings, mind, but it’s good enough for the small screen.
They could look at her and potentially think “DEI hire,” or they could not think about her at all because she wasn’t hired due to some factor relating to her racial background. What bass-ackwards logic.
Keep flailing, it’s going great.
Breathalyzers work by measuring alcohol that enters the lungs from the bloodstream.
People need to stop eating meat and start eating vegans instead.
Removed by mod
Short quips based on American exceptionalism get low effort responses ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Them’s the customers.
"Bruh why would you compare them to the largest surveillance state in the world bro. Saying how the EU would be more like the the most widely-known example of government surveillance and blocking of Internet traffic is just saying China bad, bro.
inb4 “bUt mUriCa bAd ToO”
It sounds like wherever you live has very different pharmacy laws from where I live.
Alright, you didn’t ask for any of this, but I have some thoughts about GoodRX.
GoodRX is an ok stop-gap to get people medications they need, but it’s still not great. They set their prices based on agreements with PBMs (pharmacy benefit managers), which are the companies that actually provide prescription insurance benefits if you’re commercially insured (not your insurance company). Actually, on the computer side, there’s no difference between GoodRX and insurance, they are used the same way. The GoodRX coupon has the same numbers on it that a commercial insurance card would have (ID number, BIN, PCN, group number) and a “claim” gets submitted the same way it would be submitted to your insurance company (which is actually the PBM, not your insurance company). The pharmacy has to pay the PBM to process the claim (which is kinda BS, right?) regardless of if the patient is using insurance OR GoodRX, so a lot of local/independent pharmacies can’t or won’t take GoodRX because they end up actually taking a loss on dispensing the drug due to PBM fees.
I am a pharmacy technician that used to work in outpatient pharmacy; I’ve helped a lot of people save money with GoodRX, but I usually try to find literally anything else I can do to lower the price first. Prescription billing in the US is absolutely FUBAR.
Probably already tried all the OTCs, that’s why the got something prescribed. $10 is nuts too, generic hydrocortisone over the counter is like $1.50.
For anyone else who didn’t read the article:
“My time in a straight marriage and in the “ex-gay” world was genuine and sincere and a rich blessing to me. I remember most of it with fondness and gratitude for the joy and growth it caused in me and many others. But I had stopped growing and was starting to die. So I’ve embarked on a new life-giving path that has already started a whole new growth process. I wasn’t faking it all those years. I’m not renouncing my past work or my LDS faith. And I’m not condemning mixed-orientation marriages. I continue to support the rights of individuals to choose how they will respond to their sexual attractions and identity. With that freedom, I am now choosing to pursue life as a gay man.”
Yes, he was a victim, but this dude has no remorse WHATSOEVER. Hopefully that changes with time.
It’s the fact that they’re charging for something that should be available at no cost.
I’m not sure about your specific setup, but usually on mobiles you can hold your finger on a letter to see variants/accent marks.
I knew, even with the sarcasm tag, there was gonna be one. Had to be the user with the name MilitantVegan 🤣🤣🤣
It’s called title case, dumbass.