How about ‘never get a tattoo’. Full stop.
How about ‘never get a tattoo’. Full stop.
Thank you for that info. Like I said. I’ve never had any interaction with the community except maybe upvoting posts.
I wonder if they are banning me for some perceived slight in another community.
Very ‘Reddit’ behaviour.
Thank you for the reply. When I try to upvote a post on DADJOKES, I am told that I am banned.
We don’t have a time machine etc. We do have a sort of democracy, as flawed as it is. Voting ‘Yes’ can make an small but important step towards empowering the currently disenfranchised subjugated aboriginal people who didn’t deserve the colonial hand they got dealt.
So, what’s your problem?
I’m saying it’s both Russian trolls and plenty of homegrown colonial racism. I do honestly think though that the trolls have weaponised social media to create an astro-turfed permission structure in western societies where we had previously been pretty good at starting to smash that racist shit out towards the past.
Thanks comrade! Keep up the good work! Are you still getting paid now that Pregoshits got whacked?
Yeah, nah. Anything the CCP can slip it’s slimy festering little dick into, it will.
There’s no way in hell that Telegram is secure.
Oh no, not at all. European colonists are responsible for uncounted atrocities all over the world. Of their time, of course but unforgivable in this day and age.
I’m saying that the ‘No vote’ so-called “grassroots” is largely bullshit and is being stirred-up by Putin’s minions as yet another ingredient to help destabilise the West.
It has been reported that Russian state trolls meddle in every western country’s affairs and initiate conflict over any social or political affair it none exists to exploit already. They are also a source of dark money to various lobbies merely to create trouble.
It’s only the racists and fuckwits influenced by Russian propaganda efforts who will voting ‘no’.
Apologies. I was feeling a bit too loose and truthful.
It won’t happen again. Strictly safe stuff.