I think i found it with your help, I think this is it. https://github.com/ilyhalight/voice-over-translation/blob/master/README-EN.md Understood to isolate the browser.
I think i found it with your help, I think this is it. https://github.com/ilyhalight/voice-over-translation/blob/master/README-EN.md Understood to isolate the browser.
How did u go op? I wouldn’t mind getting some of those videos looks good.
Thanks for reply, appreciate it. The thing is when i try your code it errors out. So I had to use bingchat or chatgpt to clean it up. Any chance you could upload your file somewhere please?
Thanks heaps for reply. Legend. After using chatgpt and bingchat I got the script cleaned up and working but unfortunately no output. 😥 I dont need the content, I just like to defeat these websites. Oh well. Dont want to bother you. My command was “node your-script.js https://streamingcommunity.express/watch/3330”
How did u go op? I tried to get stream video and failed in my methods. 😥
Ummm excuse me… *decides not a good idea to ask WTF, walks away very slowly in the opposite direction and then starts to run 🏃nope.
Its like when I see a sponge, wet or dry, I get the sponge thing in my tongue. I don’t like touching it. Yuk. Our brains are powerful organs. *no clue if they’re organs but I totally sound smart 😛
Haha I too get a dirty taste in my mouth when i have to use reddit.
Tried aves from google store and fdroid both dont have video editor. My old non updated simple gallery has it. Fossify gallery also doesn’t have it. 🤷