Gross, providing a UI you can just learn without a separate reference manual? Disgusting.
Yep only in America
That also describes trump as a general election strategy.
I feel like this image has more to be upset about than misnumbering the word woman.
When you Luigi assholes like this, but with herbs and magic. Bonus points if you can poison with mushrooms, as that thematically fits both crones and Luigi.
Cant have words longer than their penis
Or someone could train a bot to exaggerate misinformation from known liars
Community note: In fact, Oregon sent over 420 fire trucks but due to the rampage of the woke chupacabra and the cannibals of the northern California mountains, only 69 made it as far south as Sacramento. At that point California officials realized that Oregon actually sent minivans full of weed and spent the weekend hotboxing, using the Jewish space laser that started the fires on the “defrost” setting to heat up the marijuana.
Even if it were an old timey word what’s the issue?
I hit the X
Wow, you were alone in thinking that. For everyone else, including the person who posted it, the idea that the person asking for a libertarian fire department would be right wing was completely unthinkable…but you, you alone cracked the code.
The Picard maneuver is not a bot and that’s what matters
Oh, same. Even got the bumper sticker so all the ladies know.