I am one too, but coffee now gives me bad heartburn :(
I am one too, but coffee now gives me bad heartburn :(
The code does look like code that counts Rs. The training data probably included tons of code that “counts character X in string Y”, so ChatGPT “knows” what code that counts characters in a string looks like. It similarly “knows” what a string looks like in the language, and what an application entry point looks like, etc. I’m not so familiar with C# that I’d know if it compiles or not. ChatGPT doesn’t either, but it has the advantage of having seen a whole freaking lot of C# code before.
LLMs don’t know if what they’re telling you is true or not, out of the box. It’s gonna give you an answer that statistically looks like a sequence of words that should come in response to the sequence of words (the prompt) you gave it. It doesn’t know what the words you said mean, and it doesn’t know what it answered means either. One of my favorite interactions I’ve had with Claude shows this limitation quite well…
How many r’s are there in the word strawberry?
There are 2 r’s in the word “strawberry”.
Are you sure?
You’re right to ask for confirmation. I apologize for my mistake in the previous response. Let me correct that:
There is actually only 1 ‘r’ in the word “strawberry”.
Thank you for prompting me to double-check. It’s important to provide accurate information.
We have this reputation here in Quebec to be generally angry at people who are not speaking French when visiting. I’ve never experienced nor was witness of it, but I believe it when I hear people say they’ve had issues with some of us Quebs too. We have our fair share of idiots, like most nations.
The guy is literally called Emmanuele Bassi. E. Bassi. Ebassi.
United Russia is the ruling party since the fall of USSR and is absolutely conservative by any definition of the term. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, their main political opponent, that is indeed communist, hasn’t been elected, ever.
“Company time” doesn’t mean much to me, as a remote salaried worker with relatively flexible schedules. Not touching anything but work code from my company machine should be enough, as far as I could understand. Not a lawyer, though.
Eh, I just generally avoid Nvidia on Linux hosts unless I specifically need it. Their driver situation is better than it was, but still sucks.
Pretty much the only thing I use Tailscale for is remotely SSHing from my phone to my home NAS, and they definitely don’t manage my keys. They do have a “Tailscale SSH” feature I don’t use…
If it wasn’t that it’s Nvidia and that you bought this specifically for Linux, I’d have told you to keep the Nvidia, as you did get a significantly better card for the price you paid.
I thought I didn’t have much to tell, but turns out, I could have said the same. I did earn a tiny bit at one point when playing local venues and recording demos for local bands back then, but it was basically just gas money for the band most of the time lol
I’ve had more luck with local facebook groups or word of mouth than the internet, for this stuff, in the recent years. This and some group chats are pretty much the only reasons I still have a Meta account…
Oh my god, that game looks indeed pretty awesome hahaha. Thanks for the recommendation.
I’ve yet to play Alyx, but I have a similar experience with most of VR gaming. It’s an interesting experience, but the controller UX gets really annoying very quickly, IMHO. I’ve had quite some fun playing Elite Dangerous until I got bored. The only VR game I play with some semi regularity is Beat Saber, especially when a good pack comes out…
Raw/natural PB tastes so much better anyways. I can’t buy anything else since I’ve tasted it.
My guess is you may be talking about AirPod Pros that, like most of these wireless earbud types, have rubber tips that snugly fit in your ear canal, and he’s probably talking about the regular AirPods that just sit in your ear?
I’ve been graying since 23yo to be fair
Ugh, freaking Star Wars fans
We annoy me so much
I mean, it’s Midichlorian guy, but also Star Wars guy in the first place lol
I use my iPhone with a Bluetooth controller all the time for Moonlight game streaming when my wife or son are using the TV or we’re out of the house. That works just fine. Playing games on a phone isn’t that terrible at all - with the right input method. I’m admittedly considering going for a Pro on my next upgrade, just for the additional screen size for text legibility in some games. And it’s also not my first choice.
However, I’m not about to buy AAA titles on the App Store where I’ll only be able to play the game on my phone…