Dont know if this helps,but on the f-droid store (open source app store), there is an app called spotiflyer, that downloads musicfiles from spotify as mp3.
Dont know if this helps,but on the f-droid store (open source app store), there is an app called spotiflyer, that downloads musicfiles from spotify as mp3.
Whats normal and whats highspeed in your case? I consider Them for my daily way to work but go rather fast (25km/h to 30) cause its a long way to go…
Unrelated to the question but on the picture:
The AI nicely drew a german city but … put the naziflag on the ships Rather than the current german flag.
Yeah but they switched back to Windows in 2017 for no reason. :( some Bad rumors say it had to do with Microsoft building its headquater in munich 2016. But no one knows if the decision to build it in munich is indeed related to the switch back to. Windows.
Thats so cool! Thanks. :)
In germany many technical universities offer .sty packages in the corporate design. Really cool!
I thought so, and also because of that try not to buy overseas and generally buy second Hand and local, but still its terrible to hear that it is indeed this way. :/
I dont know if you enjoy singing , but in many countries here in Europe, there are lots of choirs for all types of music, as well as for beginners, for almost professionals and usually all ages mixed or lots of people above 40. Usually people go for a drink after rehearsal but not for the alcohol but for the company. In my choir many that come to the bar after rehearsal just drink something nonalcoholic.
Here, 40 is also an age where people still go to bars without feeling weird about it. Of course there are a few bars only full of Students but there are still lots of bars with people above 40 too.
Dont know for UK, but here in Germany they sell two versions. One with nikotin and one with just flavored Vape. This one is of course allowed for teens and they love to vape and feel as cool smokers. When they become 18 (with 18 you are adult and allowed to smoke) they just go on with the nikotin variant. This company is so evil… Making teens psychologically addicted to then add nikotin.