Yes but mostly with younger generations. People born after ~1998 tend to drink noticeably less in every occasion.
This might just be personal experience but I’d say those born 1975-1985 drink the most.
Yes but mostly with younger generations. People born after ~1998 tend to drink noticeably less in every occasion.
This might just be personal experience but I’d say those born 1975-1985 drink the most.
What if you take the measles virus, weaken it and infect people with that?
There’s nothing contradictory in it. This specific mix was never hugely popular but it doesn’t require any cognitive dissonance, all of those are separate ideas.
Interesting they chose Paraguay of all places, the country that had extremely anti-racist policies in the beginning of the 19th century. This was 1893 though, long past those ideas were gone.
How many times do we need to learn the same lesson about prohibition? Although it did help a lot to reduce domestic violence according to the article. Getting rid of forced marriage instead of alcohol would have been a better option but we should celebrate small victories I guess…
How to trigger both chemists and Charli fans in one meme
I don’t understand the resistance to changing platforms that many people and especially companies show.
For example the company I work for refuses to consider anything except Xitter. Casually talking with the people running social media, I concluded they think about platforms as a fixed fact of nature, rather than something flexible that you can experiment with.
There’s basically a minimal cost to having a multi-platform presence. Copy/paste your posts to 3 places, there are even tools to automate it.
Yes in 2 ways:
What will never ever happen is that people change if others demand it from them. If you hear someone saying “I promise I will change” - no they won’t.
Nice. Also, I’d like to see weight as one of the filter/sort options.
*Russian agent
Deezer is French
Username checks out. Hi Donald!
An easy way out. That’s it.
If it’s about a material thing - being able to throw it away and buy a “correct” one without worrying about recouping any money.
If it’s about politics - open path to changing your opinion without constantly being called out for your previous opinion. I feel like changing your mind is punished to an extreme. You need to have always believed the “correct” thing without showing any doubt or you’re out. And this is common to many political groups.
They are a party of cognitive dissonance. She’s the perfect leader.
Supposedly one of Putin’s homes. Idk how often he actually stays there.
In his defense, in 1721 vaccines were really a new unproven technology. And if you don’t know it works, or even what causes diseases in the first place, it’s reasonable to be skeptical. It’s also reasonable to change your mind when you see it does really work.
Antarctica. It’s possible, there are regular tours to the South Pole. In reality I can’t afford €60k+ for such a tour, but if money is no object I’d go
It looks like an NFC antenna. But I can’t explain why would one be on a disc.
Does it provide some additional data to a player? Or helps the publisher track it somehow?
I was just letting some frustrations into the keyboard. True, I don’t personally know any trans people. And my frustration stems from both sides claiming they have the One True Answer to the questions about sex and gender.
Of course I’m more willing to agree with the pro-trans side since they are willing to show some doubt about all of it being genetically pre-determined (which is imo obviously false)
Joe Rogan is fairly intelligent compared to some of his guests