He’s got such a punchable face
He’s got such a punchable face
Can’t keep up with the COD games anymore.
I miss his posts on Reddit. Always amazing pictures.
Bugs Bunny and Looney Tunes. Hands down.
If Epic had that many games in their arsenal, I think everyone would start to read books more often! Ha ha
I have and it’s amazing!
No. This is only going to be passed down to the consumers to pick up the extra costs. Netflix is notorious for upping the costs for more shitty content. I don’t watch it either and I’m going to be pissed and truly cancel when they up it to $30 a month to help cover this new deal.
They should have stopped after Endgame. Period. Maybe a reboot in ten plus years, but everything after Endgame has been a disappointment.
Does it mention how badly trump fucked us with his COVID response?
That whole album is amazing
I dressed up as The Crow one year in 97 or 98 at an ECU Halloween party and a lot of people kept saying they loved my Sting costume. An intoxicated me got pissed every time I heard it and had to tell them that I was The Crow.
This still boggles my mind. My Old Spice pomade jumped from $4-$5 for 2.6 oz container to $10 for a 2.4 oz container and I’m supposed to go about my day thinking this is how things should be right now? Granted it’s somewhat of a luxury item and there are various other products that are similar or even worse that are more of a necessity, but it proves my point in how much products have jumped in price for no fucking reason other than greed.
Get LinkedIn. I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t have any other social media either and I’ve gotten weird looks. Especially when it came from dating in the past with people trying to make sure you’re you, but having LinkedIn helped significantly. Also shows the maturity of having a social media account that can possibly help you in the long-run.
😳 Excuse me…If I had a Lemmy’s award, I’d give it to them.
If I had a reddit award, I’d give it to you.
My hospital does give out toiletries. In fact, as nurses and the nurse aides, we are required to make sure they brush their teeth and give mouthwash to our patients after every meal of the day to prevent pneumonia and we’re supposed to document if they refuse. Showering is a little more difficult as it depends on their mobility, if they’re on a heart monitor and the available staff to help. Nurse aides will help with in bed body washes when necessary, but showers are not always feasible.
I know it’s crazy. When your ideology overtakes your common sense, it can be scary. Look at the Civil War and that era.
Also saw it in the movie theater! Opening weekend! What an experience!
I think our pets know when we’re sick and they try to comfort us like any other loved one would.
Hope you feel better!