Professional, not people. Maybe try learning how to read, then try again.
Ruler of Heck
Professional, not people. Maybe try learning how to read, then try again.
Use your brain ffs
Why in the fuck would I care what you think? You are just some chucklefuck on the Internet 🤣
How does this impact politics exactly?
I’m sure there’s a lot of things you don’t get 🤣
I merely pointed out that some random person in a comment section doesn’t outweigh the knowledge of people who do it for a living.
Your comment is just douchey bullshit.
Can I move the rails to kill them all and then circle around and hit me?
Had to double-check to see if I was in a cringe community 😬
I’m totally sure you thought of something that groups of professionals didn’t.
The phrase is runt of the litter, not “run of the litter”.
Mmm, I sure do love me some tasty conjecture 🤤
It was supposedly faked on a closed film set.
I know I’m splitting hairs here, but the distinction is enormous 😅
Goddamn it 😂
Getting reeeeeeal close to Skynet’s 0th birthday
GOP talking points are worthless 😂